The New Family Member

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As Branch, Poppy, and Viva strolled through the serene landscape holding Daisy. With Daisy's vibrant laughter intertwined with the chirping birds, with a breeze weaving a harmonious symphony around them.

They're going to introduce Daisy to Branch's brothers.

Poppy finds a beautiful flower

-Hey Viva, look at this! Poppy happily says

-Omg, that's a really beautiful flower! Viva says

Viva holds out Daisy in front of the flower.

Daisy picks the flower

Viva and Poppy both laugh

While Poppy, Viva and Daisy are doing that, Branch is waiting for them at the door. Branch hears his brothers inside. He puts his ear to the door.

-How long are we going to have to do this? Clay asks, angrily

-I don't know, maybe forever. John Dory says

-I can't do this forever. Clay says

-Okay, well, too bad. We already got paid the $10,000. Floyd says, annoyed

-Okay, well, not everyone wants to sit around and wait for Branch to get a life! Bruce angrily says

Branch's face fills with confusion. He doesn't understand. He thinks about what they could be talking about.

As he's doing that Poppy and Viva come up to the door by Branch.

Poppy knocks on the door

That knock startles Branch

That takes his mind off of what his brothers were talking about.

Once Poppy knocks, the 3 of them hear some scrambling inside.

30 seconds later John Dory opens the door

-Oh hey how's it going? John dory says

Viva smiles and holds up daisy, showing John Dory

John Dory sees Daisy

-Who is this? He says, smiling

He picks up Daisy

-This is Daisy! Our daughter! Poppy happily says

-Yeah, we had her earlier today Branch says smiling

-Well, don't just stand there, come in! John Dory says

Branch, Viva and Poppy walk in behind John Dory holding Daisy

-Guys look who's here! John dory says to his brothers

They all turn and look. They see Daisy.

-Oh who is this? Floyd happily says while walking up to Daisy

-This is Daisy, our daughter! Branch says

-She's so adorable! Bruce says

-You're a man now, Branch! Floyd says

Branch's brothers pass Daisy around, each of them get to hold her. They all talk to each other and play with Daisy.

Branch is looking around the room while they're talking, he hasn't been in here much. Something catches Branch's eye.

He sees a drawer

It's about 5 feet away, it's pretty close.

The drawer isn't closed all the way. It has an envelope halfway stuffed in it.

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