'Because i hate you!'

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Back in the cold, pitch-black room, with nothing to do but suffocate in silence amid the occasional sound of water dripping around the room, Poppy sits with her back against the freezing wall and her knees pressed against her chest, every minute stretching on, seeming to last forever.

The measly few hours Poppy has been there felt like days. With nothing in the darkness of the room to accompany her except for her own thoughts.

Poppy shakes in fear as her heart races as she uses her own thoughts to distract herself from having a panic attack, but she can't keep the situation that she's in off her mind for long.

"Why am I here? I've been nice to him before he betrayed us..." Poppy thinks to herself, sniffling

"Is he ever going to come back? Am I going to die here? Branch has to be looking for me... right?" Poppy worriedly thinks to herself

Poppy uses every glimmer of hope that she still has left in her to imagine what life would be like if Branch came to save her. What it would all be like once she got out of there and they were back to being a happily family again

Poppy uses her imagination to think about how it would be to take Days to the park for the first time.

"She could run, play, and meet other little trolls her size. Branch could push her high up on the swing, and I can go with her down the slide!" Poppy thinks to herself

Poppy's gut then fills with sadness

"On wait... Daisy is too small for any of that type of stuff yet, we would have to wait a few years, but what if Daisy doesn't have a few years!?? What if Branch can't save us in time and she dies!? This is all my fault! I should have fought harder. If i fought harder floyd wouldn't have been able to knock me out and i wouldn't have been here right now. I could be helping Branch right now! Poppy tells herself

-Its all my fault! It's all my fault! Poppy quietly whispers to herself

Poppy buries her head in her knees, she silently sobs to herself as she blames herself for her kidnapping and the possible death of her daughter.

In the middle of her thoughts; Poppy gets startled by the screeching sound of the rusty door opening, getting snapped back to reality

Poppy's head springs up as she starts to hear someone's footsteps

She can't see them, but she can hear them..

Poppy cant back herself into the corner any more; to hide from the creature who she cant see.

She ducks down as low as she can go.

With fear surrounding Poppy, she hides behind her knees, her ears follow the quiet footsteps walk around the room

Then suddenly...

Poppy's eyes strain to the blinding light that suddenly turned on above her

Poppy squints her eyes and puts her hand up to shield herself from the light

There's a figure that's slowly coming into Poppy's view.

It had been so long since she had seen another troll, let alone one she could call a friend. But as the figures emerged from the shadows of the room a surge of recognition and relief flooded through her.

It's Branch!

Poppy's face lights up

"I'm saved!" Poppy happily whispered to herself

Branch locks eyes with Poppy as he walks into the room

He sees her!

Poppy awaits for Branch to let her out, so life can go back to normal!

Yet, Poppy starts to notice something off with Branch...

As he paced the length of the room. His hands were clasped tightly behind his back with almost zero emotion on his face.

Poppy gets confused after a few minutes of Branch just pacing the room

Branch's movements almost seemed robotic, like this isn't the Branch she once knew

It feels like Branch has been pacing the room so long to Poppy, as she eagerly waits to be let out; her smile begins to fade. Poppy nervously utters a word:

-Br... Branch..? Poppy says, choking on her words

-Branch? He questions in a smog, annoyed voice

The troll walks closer to cell

Poppy watches in horror as the troll she thought was Branch comes into focus...

It's Creek... Poppy has been so void of food and water for so long; she's starting to imagine things

Once Poppy realizes who she's talking to, her smile fades even more, sending her back into the depressed state she was just in.

-Branch isn't going to find you, Poppy! Creek's words echoed mockingly around the stone walls, a grim reminder of her vulnerability. His eyes held a gleam of triumph, enjoying the unraveling of her brief moment of joy.

Poppy is unable to mutter another sound with any flicker of hope fading in almost an instant. She begins to tear up, wrapping her arms around her legs to press her knees against her chest again, in shame

- I can't believe you thought I was Branch! Creek mutters, his laughter tinged with mockery.

Creek turns his back to Poppy, walking back to his side of the room

Poppy uses her last bit of strength to utter a few more words

-What do you want from me!? Poppy shouts in tears

-Just passing the time! Your daughter has more life in her than I thought. Creek says, chuckling

-Why are you doing this to me!? Poppy cries out with tears streaming down her face

Creek walks up the the bars and puts his hand around one of the bars

Poppy looks up at Creek; with fear in her eyes

-Because. I. Hate. You! Creek says

-You abandoned me! You kicked me out of the village and tried to kill me! Creek shouts

Poppy sits there on the ground with her eyes watering and terrified

-You betrayed us! You tried to kill us! Poppy shouts with a sniffle

Creek crouches down to her level with his hand on one of the bars

-And you're going to wish that you didn't do that. Creek says with a smile, standing back up

Trolls: Lost in Harmonyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें