A Missing Soul

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Branch's heart is racing

-Poppy! Poppy! Wake up! Branch frantically says

Poppy groans

-5 more minutes. She says, tired and groggy

-Poppy! Get up! I can't find Daisy! Branch says

Poppy's eyes shoot open

Poppy sits up

-What!? Poppy says

-Daisy is gone! Branch says

-You checked the whole room? Poppy says

-Yeah, just the room though. Branch frantically says

-Then let's check the rest of the house! Poppy says, frantically

Poppy shoots out of bed

Branch and Poppy check the whole house. They look in the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom, every room in the bunker, they don't find her.

2 hours later

-Did you find her!?? Poppy says, panicked

-No, I looked everywhere! Branch says, worried

-So did I! Poppy says

Poppy starts tearing up

Poppy slowly slumps towards Branch

-Branch, we need to find her! I can't lose her! I love her so much! Poppy says crying on Branch's shoulder

-I can't lose her either, Poppy. Branch says tearing up a bit

They hear a knock at the door

Branch and Poppy get the courage to go see who it is

It's Bruce, Floyd and Clay.

-We're here to see Daisy!! Floyd excitedly says

-She's missing! Poppy cries

The 3 of them look worried

-What!? Clay asks, worriedly

-She's been missing all day, we've been looking all around and we still can't find her, she couldn't have left the bunker on her own. Branch says

-We'll help you look. Bruce says, hurriedly

-Yeah, we have all day. Floyd says

They step into the house

But that's when Branch remembers something...

The note John Dory said "bring me the child"

Branch's heart sinks

"No, he couldn't have" Branch thinks to himself

"But there is a chance" Branch thinks

Branch walks up to Poppy

He puts his hand on her shoulder

-I'm going to look outside for Daisy. You guys look in here. Ok? Branch says

-Why would she be outside? Poppy asks Branch

-It's just a small feeling. I'll be quick. You just look with my brothers, I'll be back. Branch says

-Ok Branch. Poppy says hugging him

Branch goes outside

He starts his walk to Rhonda

"Please don't let my feeling be right" he says to himself while walking

10 minutes later he gets to Rhonda

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