AFO apprentice

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After being abused and neglected for not having a quirk Izuku left with everything that was dead to him including his hero journals. He soon ran across a famous villain who was spying on him for quite a while. After AFO persuaded Izuku to join him and the rest of the LOV Izuku himself was livid as he wasn't sure until AFO told him that in his group of villains everyone is family quirk or not as Izuku accepted as he became apart of the LOV. What Izuku did was gathered information on every hero and reported it back to AFO as Izuku see that he was a good addition to the group as the group loved the information he gave them as they gave him the name of the best informant. What Izuku got out of it was one of the best quirks that could be used against anyone or anything which was blueflame the same as Dabis.


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AFO daughters (3 only)
Boa Shigaraki (Oldest daughter)

AFO daughters (3 only)Boa Shigaraki (Oldest daughter)

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Kale Shigaraki (Middle child)

Momo Shigaraki ( youngest daughter)

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Momo Shigaraki ( youngest daughter)

Momo Shigaraki ( youngest daughter)

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