𝟢𝟢𝟫,𝐚 𝐭𝐚𝐝 𝐭𝐢𝐩𝐬𝐲

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"You sure you gave her the right drug, Jasper? She isn't supposed to be out this long."

"I know what I was doing, Gally. Although she might be a little... tipsy when she awakes."

"Joan and I were always drunk without alcohol. Nothing new."

Confused, she continues listening for a while. Once the uncomfortable position on this wooden surface starts hurting, she moves a bit.

"Alright. Time for you to leave, Jasper." Thomas's voice.

"Sorry? I'm not—"

"We made a deal that you'd by safe with Lawrence as long as you brought her to us. Never said you could stay. Besides, she won't love you as much as she did before." 

"Fine." A grunt, followed by the sound of a door slamming closed.

She senses someone walking closer to her. With a quick movement, they tug the blindfold off her eyes, and she blinks against the sudden light.

After her eyes have gotten used to that, she looks around. The orangish lights are actually dim. It's a big room, with quite some furniture. In front of her, there's multiple people. Familiar people.

Gally, Thomas, Newt, and Frypan. And two faces she has seen in her dreams before.

"Welcome back," says Thomas.

She refuses to meet Gally's eyes, so keeps them on Thomas. "What do you want?" She bites out.

There's a fuzzy feeling in her stomach, though. And her head feels funny. As if she had too much moonshine.

"For you to stop murdering everyone before you turn into the actual villain. Stop killings yourself by taking your own blood. Stop thinking you'll manage to overpower WCKD all by yourself."

"You underestimate me, Thomas."

"What were you even planning on doing?"

"Break in, get the innocents out, blow them up." At that, she can't help but smile. It's kinda funny— no it's not. It's the damn drug Jasper put in her water.

Finally, she looks at Gally. He has changed in the six months they didn't see each other. For sure recognizable, but he's different.

He looks freaking awesome.

"Where is Camil? Chuck? Minho? Winston? And who the fuck are that?"

They all share a glance, betraying the answer will be no good. "Camil and Minho have been captured by WCKD," Thomas announces. "Chuck is safe with your f— Vince. Winston... he, eh..."

"He killed himself before we turned into a Crank," Newt says.


"Good to know," she replies, while she feels like throwing up. "Would you let me go?"


Slowly, her hands, which are tied on her back, reach for her pocket.

"We removed that knife."

She moves to shake— "And the one in your waistband," Fry adds.

Okay, maybe they didn't— Yeah, nothing in your shoes, either."

"Don't have to try your wrist."

"And the hairpin is right here." Thomas holds the thing up, and pulls at the end; the blade appears.

"Alright. Fine. You got me."

One good thing about them not knowing many girls, they don't know how much they can hide in their bras. She still has a knife. Just can't really reach it.

𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐈𝐀 - TMR, Gally ² / ³Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ