𝟢𝟥𝟣,𝐚 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤

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It took multiple months for her to get over her night terrors. Sometimes, she'd still wake up in the middle of the night, but not as often.

In those months, they have gotten far into building their house. It's quite far away from the rest of the Safe Haven, but they both preferred that, as Thomas and Newt, Vince, Camil, and Brenda offered to also move a bit further from the business.

Camil and Brenda had the idea to live together, since they've become great friends, but Jorge didn't want to leave Brenda, so they're trying to see if they manage to live together, all three of them.

"Really? Navy blue walls?" By the time it's time to start painting and decorating everything, Gally sighs, hands on his hips. "I thought that was a joke."

"Of course not. And we can have a wallpaper behind our bed, full of darkish flowers, so it matches the other walls, which are navy blue. Good idea, right? And we'll have a picture wall."

"Alright, then."

"Only if you want that too, though."

"Yeah, sure."

She squints her eyes at him, trying to see if he's lying. "I mean it. It's our house. You have a word in it, too."

"No. Navy blue is okay." He gives her a smile. "Pink bathroom tiles?"

She nearly makes a jump at that idea. "Definitely! But not all four walls. Just one of them. Don't want it to be blinding."

"Noted." He leans against the wall, arms crossed.

All those months of work for sure gained him some more muscles, and his hair is growing longer. Not even mentioning the tan or the freckles.

"You sure the walls are stable? We might have to check them out."

Slowly, a grin at her ridiculous comment forms on his face. "Yeah, perhaps."

𝐃𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐈𝐀 - TMR, Gally ² / ³Where stories live. Discover now