Chapter 15 - A Realization (Part 2)

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Arden's POV-

Arden sat comfortably in his brother's arms as they strolled through the garden. The wind was soft and welcoming, and he could feel it tickle his cheek affectionately as if inviting him to play. He reached out and touched the top of his head, where a bird had landed. It pecked at Arden's hair, creating a matted mess of hair.

Alec looked down and chuckled at the sight of Arden's hair being toyed with. They continued walking for a while, before their peaceful stroll was interrupted by the sound of children's voices. In front them, they were greeted with the sight of two children sitting on the grass and making flower crowns.

Alec approached the two.

"What are you two doing here?"

Arien and Arjen turned to look at him, their eyes widening in surprise and confusion.

"You look like you're having fun."


He knelt down while still holding Arden.

"Allow me to properly introduce myself this time. I am the second prince of the Yuriana Empire, Alexander Eugene Yuriana".

He looked at Arden, who began to introduce himself as well.

"I am the fifth prince of the Yuriana Empire, Arden Kaden Yuriana".

Because Arden could not kneel, he simply bowed his head to maintain proper etiquette. However, their introductions were interrupted by a frantic maid, who looked shocked at the sight of the second prince kneeling.

"You're highness...! How could you kneel before those illegitimate-"

Her tone was haughty and disrespectful, and the second prince did not allow her to finish her protest. He glared at the insolent maid who, in turn, flinched and shrank back.

"Stand far away from here. You're disturbing them while they're playing".

The servants quickly left the site after saying "Yes, your highness" to the second prince.

With the servants gone, Alec and Arden looked at the flower crowns made by Arien and Arjen.

"The's pretty.."

Arden looked at the flower crown in Arien's hands in awe.

"You made it very well".

Arien was shocked to receive praise from both her second brother and her youngest brother. Her face flushed, and she looked down embarrassedly.

"...Thank you..." 

[339 words]


Sorry I published this so late! I nearly forgot about it because I was studying for my tests. Fortunately, I remembered last minute and began to write this, even though the quality isn't as good as I would've liked. I hope you enjoyed!!

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