Chapter 20 - Stress (Part 1)

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Arien and Arjen's POV-

The duo is now sitting at their desks, looking at piles and piles of books. They were both exhausted, but were forced to continue studying.

"It's nice not having to meet the other members of the imperial family for a few days...but just how many subjects are we learning each day?"

"Did we do twelve subjects yesterday...?"

The twins looked at each other tiredly, especially Arjen who had begun to talk about their previous lives.

"Even as high school students in my previous life, I didn't live like this..."

They looked at their shaking arms and wondered when they would no longer be subjected to such torture.

However, when they talked to Ishina about how tired they were, the lady only began to compare them to their older siblings.

"When the first and second princes were four years old, they had already mastered all of this. Even the fifth prince, who is in poor health, has studied more diligently and gotten much further than you have."

The siblings looked at each other and sighed.

"Why is the imperial family such a show-off?"

"I know, right? Even our younger brother has gotten much further than us, while we're still struggling with the imperial language..."

The two continued conversing, until they saw a shadow tower over them. It was Ishina.

"Imperial prince. Please refrain from using such vulgar vocabulary."

They flinched.



Under Ishina's watchful eyes, Arien and Arjen were constantly scolded. During dinner, Ishina scolded them for their improper etiquette, and she even scolded them when they played rough.

'They said that this is royal duty, but it's not like we're treated like royalty.'

The two sighed for the nth time, clearly stressed and annoyed.

[271 words]

Sorry this is so short! I have a LOT of assignments due soon, and, instead of doing them, I wasted most of my day by sitting in front of my laptop doing absolutely nothing. (It did not help that I overslept and woke up just in time for lunch...)

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that tomorrow's chapter will most likely be super short as well, since I will be really busy for a while...

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