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Ch. 14

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Craig jumps out the car and crashes in the workshop, finding Jude pacing the ground and breathing through the pain. I grab two clean rags, asking Jude to give me his hand.

"Fuck this hurts," he says, wincing away from me when I wrap him up tight.

"Here you go," I whisper, wrapping another rag over the one already on his hand because the blood is seeping through. "Try to keep pressure on it."

"What the hell happened?" Craig asks.

"I'm pretty sure I cut into my tendon," Jude says, moving with us out of the building.

Craig rushes to get Jude into the car while I run to grab my things from the locker room. I'm moving quickly, grabbing another towel before racing to the car park.

I stay with Jude while Craig sprints off to set the alarm system, Jude waiting with me, skin sweaty and paler while the towel grows redder. I give him the fresh one, gulping down a wretch at the sight of his thumb sliced up and bleeding.

"Craig, let Imogen out first," Jude says, hissing when he presses firmly on the towel.

"I'm coming too," I respond, almost missing the way his face changes. It's softer, grateful, and shook all in one.

I let myself in the back while Craig curses at the alarm system malfunctioning, going back to reset it again. Alone with Jude in the car, I'm aware of his heavy breathing, a slight hiss escaping him every once in a while. I strap myself in, spotting his tux from last night sitting next to me on the seat, shoes in a dust bag on top of them.

"You didn't hang your tux up? It'll crease," I say, trying to take his mind off the pain.

He clears his throat, turning a bit to speak to me. "I didn't go home last night."

My heart skips a beat, my stomach sinking to my toes. "Oh, right. Good for you?"

He shuffles around in his seat. "Not like that, Imogen. I pulled an all-nighter working on a new project for Protech."

That's probably why his reflexes weren't as strong, his brain not rested enough. "Are you willing to share this new project?"

He sends me a "ha" in answer. A big fat no. I'm curious, knowing it'll be revolutionary. Craig gets back in, driving out when the system blares to warn us. We park up on the kerb, the gates sliding closed.

We head onto the motorway, following the signs for the hospital, but I soon realise we're heading for the private hospital instead. We arrive, struggling to find a parking space in the small space, so I jump out with Jude and help him towards the urgent care centre.

We check in and take a seat to wait for the nurse to check him over. Jude has his eyes closed. "This isn't good, Imogen. This isn't good."

I help him rearrange his arm in an attempt to make him feel more comfortable. "I know, hopefully we're not waiting long."

"I'm terrified of blood," he whispers.

My fingers brush his face without thinking, shocked to find him shifting into the movement when I realise and pull away.

"It's a genuine fear. You're doing really well," I say.

"I don't know how I've made it this far without passing out," he says, and I notice his breathing elevate.

"Try to take some calming breaths," I respond, knowing this could end up twice as bad if he goes into a panic.

"Fuck! I'm sorry." The veins on his forehead bulge.

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