1. Skateboards

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Atlas pov (you)

I've been trying for days to nail the kick flip but it seems I fail everytime so I tried asking around for help people just looked at me weird till I found this boy he seems my age so I'll give it a shot, I made my way over to the buzz cut boy 
"Hey you seem like someone that knows tricks, think you can help me I can't get this trick right" I asked the other skater boy "not to be cocky but I pretty good, what trick" he said offering his help, I let out a breath didn't know I was holding, we sat down on the edge of half pipe "I stuck at skateboarding, I cannot stand on the board without falling on my ass, figured you could help me?" I shrugged "yeah sure, where are you from btw you have a strong accent I've never heard before" he said helping me wax my board.

"Im from New Zealand" I said hoping he didn't think of me as weird  "that's so cool I'm from Canada but I'm Filipino, I'm Gordon you?" He said waxing his board "you want a nickname or my full name?" I said grabbing my board "I'm scared for the full name but hit me what is it" he said looking at me we made eye contact the whole time "last name and everything?" I said cringing "yep all of it" he said getting excited, I took a deep breath "it's Atlantis Leilani'Alenesee Manaia" I said taking another breath "that's such a cool name, your named after the lost city of Atlantis!"  He exclaimed happy "thank you" I smiled, out eyes met for like a solid 4 seconds before he broke it "let's get started, here let me help you" he smiled at me holding his hand out "don't be rude I am severely bad at this" He held my hands as I got on the board I wobbled a little but he put his foot on the board "move ur front foot back a little bit, there perfect" he guided me along "I'm going to get my board now okay stay still and you shouldn't fall off" he walked over to his board I stumbled a bit as he rode past slowly dragging me along with him by my hands.

"So what now?" I asked Gordon "we can watch the sunset?, then I have to go home" he said bringing his board in as I got off mine carefully "thanks for the help today Gordon" we sat down on the same ledge again admiring the setting sun in the horizon "wanna trade numbers?" "Wanna trade numbers?" he Both said at the same time "jinx!" I said slapping his upper arm softly he laughed at my antics "here pass me ur phone" I said gesturing my hand out for his phone, he passed me his iPhone on the dial pad, I typed my number and set my name "there call me whenever you want to skate or hang out again sometime" I shrugged as we both grabbed our belongings I accidentally picked up his skate board he accidentally picked up mine.

We both bid our goodbyes and departed, by time we both realised we had swapped skate boards, I put what I thought was my board on my hooks on the wall but I freeze it's a plain black skate board with more grind marks than mine, only then I had realised we had mixed them up, oh did I have an evil plan for his skate board, I'm not only going to re grip it but I'm going to customise is for him, a full make over, before I do that I messaged him asking for his consent to proceed first

We both bid our goodbyes and departed, by time we both realised we had swapped skate boards, I put what I thought was my board on my hooks on the wall but I freeze it's a plain black skate board with more grind marks than mine, only then I had rea...

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Hey we accidentally
swapped boards,I really want to
customise yours is that
okay with you?

Skater boy
Yeah I noticed that when I got home and nice board by the way and of course you can

Thank youu! You wont be disappointed, feel free to draw on my board it's actually a chalk board just wipe it off

Skater boy
That makes it even cooler, see you Sunday?:)

Sure just I have an plane to catch Sunday afternoon:)


Skater boy
Wait really? SAME what time?!


Skater boy
I think we are catching the same plane!

Omg we should together


Skater boy
Yesss I'll get my Uber to stop at ur house too

I'll see you tomorrowww <3


How did you like my first part to this book ever? It gets better I promise

-Atlantis 💋

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