9. fan incident

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Sleeping in mine and Gordon's hotel room at 2am well at-least I was  woken up to noises in the hallway a bunch of whispers and giggles, I get out of bed a tip toe to the door and look through the peep hole, I see a group of what looked like young teenage boys outside our door, oh no. me being me I get freaked out and go over to Gordon and shake his arm softly whispering his name "Gordon..wake up please..." I get scared as I heard them try our door handle "what?" I Gordon says sitting up as he sees my frantic state "Gordon I'm scare-" they tried our door handle again, Gordon sat me down on his bed "I'll call my manager you stay here" he says reassuring me, he went to the door and looked through the peep hole like I did seeing the same group of boys outside our door.

After Gordon called his manger they had sent security to our room and escorted the group out and away from the hotel, we all agreed to go back to sleep and fix this tomorrow morning, but I could not sleep, I moved my head again on my pillow trying to get comfortable but seeing that I felt like someone was watching me I felt uneasy but I shook it off and turned my head facing towards sleeping Gordon, How can he fall asleep after that? I turned my head back to the big glass window staring into the glowing city I still felt eyes on me, it made me uneasy so I stood up and closed the curtains seeing it got completely dark in the room now I could not see I tried walking back to my bed but I stubbed my toe I yelped and cursed under my breath hoping I did not wake Gordon up "are you okay?" Shit "yeah sorry i stubbed my toe" "what are you doing awake" damnit why did he have to ask me that "uhhh, no reason" i fake smiled, idiot he can't even see you "come here" Gordon said "No! I'll stub my toe again" I whisper yelled "just walked use ur hands to stop you from running into things" I listened and followed "almost there" he said getting quieter as I got closer, my hands still felt around until it landed on his shoulder my other hand landed on his chest "found you" I whispered even blind I can feel how pretty he is "thank you" "huh what?" I said "nothing" he said and he opened his blanket "climb in" he said, I leaned down to feel for the bed but I touched his hand I let out a quiet 'sorry' before climbing in his bed beside him "go to sleep we have filming in the morning" he said as I pulled the blanket over me getting comfortable I layed close to him accepting his body heat, i had turned over but accidentally making us spoon but none of us moved from this position he had accepted it and pulled my closer by my waist "I cannot sleep Gordon not after that" I said whispering "I'm right here just go to sleep" he said holding me tighter "promise me.." I whispered "promise you what?" He said confused "promise you will be here next to me when I wake up" I said frantic "I would not leave you for the world atlas now go to sleep for me okay?" I let out a small 'i love you' under my breath not noticing it before I fell asleep Gordon only held his grip around me the whole night.

Word count: 618
- Atlantis 💋

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