10. On set activities

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3rd person

Atlantis and Gordon are still asleep, while the others where eating breakfast, they didn't understand why gordon and atlas begged to sleep longer but they let them sleep through breakfast.

Atlas was sleeping nice and warm,  before it was rudely interrupted by someone pulling the blanket off of her making her instantly start to freeze atlas moved closer to Gordon's warm body "go away, Ian I swear to god" Atlantis said knowing it was ian by the way he walked in. "How did you- never mind. Get up we have to leave in five!" Ian said pushing and Gordon till they gave in and put their shoes on.

(Time skip)

⚫️ Netflixoriginal 🔹

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Caption: season 2 teaser, 2026!

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Your pov
We have been filming all day and it's so exhausting, especially after not having much sleep last night, but we pulled through and are now filming in the desert for the library episode, I am currently getting dirtied up for my next scene where I'm holding up the library form sinking.

"Annnd action"

I started to 'struggle' to hold the remains of the library, i let go for a second and turned to see 'Appa' getting tied down "hey!" I started earth bending at then, but quickly going back to holding the remains "ahh!" My feet started to drag in the sand, I looked back to watch him get dragged away "I'm sorry appa" I told myself

"Anddd cut!"

I let go of the fake brick building
"I'm so strong i don't even need to hold it" i flexed "next scene in five" the director said as I walked to the others who where watching me, "hey guys, what you guys thinking about" I said sitting down "Dallas" Ian said quickly "soo the usual?" I tapped on the table,
"We where just discussing ideas for what to do tomorrow " Kia said " think later we have a scene to shoot!" I said getting up and going back on set with the others,

"And action!"

I stood still as I held the fake brick wall as all of my friends climbed out of it, Gordon being on a wire. I let go of the wall since I walked away the castles library disappeared under the sand, "what's wrong toph, where's appa?" 'Aang' said walking next to me
"They took him, I'm sorry Aang" I said sitting down on the sandy floor

—-time skip-—
(Still filming)

"Where is appa" 'Aang' yelled "where is my bison!" He yelled again they kept denying that it was them "we didn't take him the girl is lying!" The extra yelled back "I never forget a voice" I defended "where he my bison!" He kept yelling "we don't have it!" The other extra yelled "he's the one that muzzled appa" I told 'Aang' in defence "you muzzled appa!?" He started to get pulled up by the wire as the fans blew major winds 


"That's enough for today, got back to ur hotels get some rest, back again Monday" the director said as we got out of costumes and packed our stuff up and left the building, we all got in an Uber before I realised I still had Tophs bracelets on "whoops" I said to my self keeping it on, mine now "nice bracelets I wonder where you got those from" Gordon said "shh shut up" I said nudging him playfully he leaned on my as we turned a corner I was expecting him to get up after the turn but he didn't, I didn't mind though I liked it..wait what? Shut up girl you haven't liked a boy since kindergarten. Maybe I do like him, but I can't my brothers would kill him. Oh whatever. I leant my head on his as we both got comfortable in the back seat as we had it to ourself and shared three seats between the both of us a we slept.

Word count: 702

(Some of the lines may not be in correct order I have not watched the show since I was a little girl but I know they do say those lines I just don't know in what order)

-Atlantis 🎀

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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