26. 𝘉𝘈𝘕𝘋.

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TW. — panic attacks.

" chapter twenty—six. "

☆•. 26. | LAYING in bed was one of Henry's favourite things to do when he was sad or bored... sometimes even happy. This time, it was sort of... nothingness. Staring at his ceiling and just laying there, that was what he was doing until his phone buzzed. He raised his phone hoping it was Tao or maybe even Nick but surprisingly... it was even better. It was Katie.

" Hiii !!! I found your instagram by doing a lot of stalking !! :D "  — Katie!

Henry chuckled slightly, opening the message before replying.

" HI!! " — Henry!

okay, so here's the thing . Do you want to start the band again !! SERIOUS QUESTION !! " — Katie ! " because I have an idea :) "

" Is this one of those stupid ideas or stupidly brilliant ideas ?? " — Henry ! | The brunette boy sat up, leaning against the wall behind him as a smile came over his face. " either way, I'm in because yeah "

" Uh, stupidly brilliant ideas duh !!, ! " — Katie !  " so, as you know, I have found someone to replace He-who-shall-not-be-named !! Her name is Sahar , SHE IS AMAZING BELIEVE ME !! "

" when can I meet her ? " — Henry!

" how I add you to a group chat ? " — Katie!

Henry thought for a moment. | " sure ! "


Sahar was nice. Of course, Henry thought she was amazing a mere two seconds after meeting her over text. It wasn't until school the very next morning that he met her in person. Incredibly kind in person and over messages. So, that morning, Henry was actually quite happy despite everything else that had happened.

"Hi." Henry greeted with a smile as he sat down beside Isaac, Charlie come to sit down next to him and Tao.

Tao has been ignoring both Henry and Charlie all day. Charlie instantly turned to Tao, trying to get him to talk to him. "Tao? I heard Harry got suspended for fighting, so... that's good." The curly haired boy smiled but Tao continued to have a straight face as he looked down.

"He said he doesn't want to talk to you. Either of you." Isaac spoke up, looking at the two with an apologetic look.

"Okay, year 10s." Mr. Budd, their teacher, shouted as he walked around the classroom, putting books on desks. "Before we start today's lesson, I've been told to remind you all that the Truham-Higgs sports day is on Friday. So make sure you've all signed up for an event by Thursday."

"We could all do the javelin again," Charlie suggested. "Like last year."

"You two are on the rugby team." Tao finally said.

"What?" Charlie questioned.

"Huh?" Henry hummed.

"The rugby team always do the Sports Day Rugby match. So, I... I don't think we can do the same event this year." Isaac explained, looking at the two with a slightly saddened look.

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