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"Hey y/n/n package here for you" Mary says

She tosses the package to you on your bed

"I didn't order anything" you say ripping open the package

"Well what is it" Mary asks looking over your shoulder

"It chocolates" you say making a confused face

Pulling out the chocolates and reading the note that says missing seeing your face everyday

"Maybe Caitlin sent them to you" Mary says shrugging

"Yeah you're right I'm just overthinking it" you say

Carrying on with your day

You and Mary had plans with Hayley and Alanna today for a picnic in the park

"Hey Mary can you help me" you ask

You hear Mary coming down the hall to your room

"What did you ask hun" Mary asks

"I just can't seem to braid my hair right I keep messing up my Dutch braids"you say frustrated

Mary laughs softly at your frustrated face

"Aww y/n/n lean back I've gotcha" Mary says softly brushing your hair

You lean back into Mary's touch as she braids your hair

"Look at how cute you look aww y/n/n" Mary says looking at you in the mirror

You hug Mary

"I love you Mary" you say

"I love you too y/n/n" Mary says

Your phone starts ringing

You answer

"Hey hays" you say

"Hey honey we're here" Hayley says

"Okay we're coming" you say before hanging up

You head down the stairs and open to door to see Alanna and Hayley

"There's our shining star" Alanna says pulling you into a hug

Hayley hugs Mary then switch

Hayley pulls you into a hug

"Alright ladies let's get going" Alanna says leading to her car

Once arrived at the park

You help Mary lay out the picnic blanket

Alanna and Hayley set up the foods and drinks

"So y/n/n how have you been settling in" Hayley asks

"Um well I think it's been pretty good helps being near you guys and living with Mary but it's really hard being away from Caitlin" you say

Alanna looks sad

"We will all be back together in two weeks for camp" Alanna says

"I know I'm so excited to see her" you say

"Have you talked to her recently" Hayley asks

"Well she's really busy with arsenal right now so we text like good morning and good night but I know how overwhelmed she can get" you say

Conversation flows easily

You loved these girls with your whole heart

Hayley was the big sister you've always wanted she was always there for you

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