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You woke up feeling nauseous

Tumbled out of bed scrambling over Caitlin

You run and kneel in front of the toilet

Puking up your guts

"Shit darlin let me help you" Caitlin says pulling your hair back out of your face she rubs your back soothingly

You cry softly

"I hate being sick" you mumble angrily

"I know sweetie it's not fun" Caitlin says leaning down to see your face

After you finish you stand up with the help of Caitlin who helps you get undressed to shower

"This will make you feel better love call me if you need me" Caitlin says kissing your forehead before letting you shower

You relax into the hot water the nausea washing away

Once done you get out and see Caitlin sitting up on her phone she gives you a soft smile

"I got you some comfy clothes to change into baby" Caitlin says

You see sweatpants and one of Caitlin's hoodies laid out

"I also have meds and some water for you babe" Caitlin says

You change into the comfy clothes she laid out before crawling into her arms

"I'm so sorry you threw up baby try and get some sleep now"Caitlin says pulling the covers over the both of you

You drift off to sleep in Caitlin's comforting arms

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