Chapter 10

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Charlie opened the door and Lucifer turned to face her. "Ah, you are in here, are you alright?" Charlie asked, standing by the opened door. "Yes, yes, Char, I'm fine." Lucifer chuckled nervously, grabbing some trousers to step into.

"Right, well just wanted to check, I haven't seen you since you and Alastor got back." Charlie chuckled, looking around the room. "Speaking of Alastor, have you seen him around?" Charlie looked back at Lucifer who stepped closer to her. "I don't believe I have, no." Lucifer smiled with an anxious look. "Oh, okay.. are those his clothes?" Charlie pointed out Alastor's clothes folded on the bed.

Alastor was sat beside the bed, out of sight, holding his breath. He was hoping Charlie wouldn't step in, because this was no state to find him in. He listened in on the conversation. "Ah, yes it is, I'm just er, mending them for him, yes, he tore a hole in his jacket so I'm just fixing them."

Lucifer stood In front of Charlie, looking up at her as she seemed suspicious but brushed it off. "Oh, alrighty then! I'll see you in a bit?" Charlie smiled, stepping back from the door. "Yes, of course." Lucifer replied, watching Charlie walk away. He closed the door, sighing as he turned to see Alastor stand up from the side of the bed.

Alastor walked over to Lucifer, a grin on his face. "You know she will find out eventually, she's not stupid." Alastor spoke softly, looking down at Lucifer as he picked up the clothes from the bed, dressing himself. "Yes, I know. She's a smart girl but I just know this will hurt her." Lucifer replied, grabbing the towel to dry his hair.

"Hurt her? How come? I would have thought a girl would be pleased to see his father happy." Alastor buttoned up his jacket, looking over at Lucifer who threw the towel over to Alastor, who then took his turn of drying his own hair. "She still has hope her mother will return.." Lucifer walked over to sit on the edge of the bed, looking up at Alastor.

"Lilith? She has been gone as long as I was, no one believed they
Would see me again, why think differently of her?" Alastor seemed confused stepping closer to Lucifer who had his eyes on a painting of him and his wife, Lilith. "That's what I've been trying to tell her..but you know Charlie, she doesn't give up easy." Lucifer returned his gaze to Alastor.

"Okay, so what? Charlie finds out about whatever is going on between us, you're moving on from Lilith, what is she going to do?" Alastor crouched down between Lucifers legs, looking up at him as he rested a hand on his thigh. "You don't get it, I'm not.knly betraying Charlie, I'm betraying my wife.. what if she does come back? I'd be a horrible person.". Lucifer has tears gathering in his eyes, looking down at Alastor.

"If she comes back, then she's the one who left you for 7 years, you're allowed to move on. And at the end of the day, Charlie just wants you to be happy, she will understand." Alastor sounded somewhat comforting, standing up while lifting Lucifers chin.

"I thought I could wait for her.. and then Charlie would be happy, Lilith would be happy and we would all be happy.." Lucifer muttered, sniffling as he wiped his eyes, standing up and shoving Alastor. "But YOU just had to.. to exist! God damn you." Lucifer shouted through his tears, his voice breaking.

"Luci-". Alastor was cut off by Lucifer. "Hell, I could still be in love with Lilith and be able to give Charlie hope if you wouldn't have.. been so good damn charming, you bastard.." Lucifers voice turned muffled, staring up at Alastor, who could tell if Lucifer was angry or upset.

"My king, I'm not quite sure if you're mad at me or confessing your love." Alastor sounded just as confused as he looked, wanting to give Lucifer his space but also wanting to comfort him. "I guess both.. i just fucking hate how you had to show up 7 years after disappearing and so easily make me fall in love with you!" Lucifers voice started to rise again.

"Lucifer, I didn't make you fall in love with me, it just happens sometimes.. and you may want to keep your voice down.." Alastor held out his hands, as if signaling for Lucifer to quiet down. "Don't tell me to shut up! It's not my fault I fell in lo-" Lucifer rambled, but Alastor grabbed Lucifer by the throat, leaning down and kissing him to shut him up.

Lucifer whined into the kiss, as if giving in. Alastor smirked as he pulled away, looking down at Lucifer with his head tilted slightly. "Fuck you.." Lucifer muttered, glancing up at Alastor before looking away, his face turning red.

"Sooo~ you love me do you?~" Alastor teased, leaning down to Lucifers level. "Oh come on, we fucked three times now, you think I wouldn't like you like that?" Lucifer looked up at Alastor, staying silent for a moment. "How do you feel?.." Lucifer muttered, he hadn't had much verbal affection from Alastor, which was expected.

"All I can say is the feeling are returned." Alastor spoke clearly, announcing that he felt the same way. That brought a smile to Lucifers face. Lucifer thought for a moment, holding his arms open and wide. "Would it be too much to ask for a hug?" Lucifer grinned looking up at Alastor who sighed.

Alastor stepped into Lucifers embrace, holding him tightly with his chin resting on Lucifers head. "Maybe we can work this out.. but we should leave it a while to tell Charlie." Lucifer muttered, stepping away from the hug soon enough.

"So, my king, would this make us officially secret?" Alastor hummed, looking down at Lucifer. "You mean like.." Lucifer tried to find a way to put it, but Alastor made it clear for him.

"Be mine, my king."

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