The Library. (3)

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"You know, my friend Evan is the librarian. I don't think he'll be happy if he finds out that I'm getting murdered by 2 weaklings."
"I see you're little friend has lost words. Pffft."
"Don't make fun of him!"
"Aw, are you actually his sister? Or a wife? Which one? You make no sense at all. Woman like you are narcissist. I know you."
"Excuse me? Did you just call her narcissist?"
"Oh look, now he's trying to defend his princess! Brother whatever ending you're trying to get, you'll never get the happy ending when you're stuck with me-"

When he was about to finish his sentence, there goes Mary kicked him in the stomach with incredible strength. Threw him on the wall. Then he hit his head on the sink. Mary replies with a cold voice,

"Say one single thing about him, and you're over."
"*coughs* y-you really th-think you have t-t-the strength to d-defeat a g-guy l-l-like me..? BECAUSE I DON'T THINK SO!"

He punched Mary's face in just a second. He had speed. This gave Mary's mouth full of blood. But, she didn't care. She stood with confidence. Max became mad over this. He then kicked the guy. But he dodged. Mary jumped in front of him and gave him massive kicks in the face! Max was shocked to see this. He has never seen Mary fight.

"Take this." Mary said in a deep tone.

She fought with the guy in the bathroom. She gave him another kick, and another, and another! Max was trying to get into the fight to help Mary but she said,

"Max you just stay there until my breath runs out."
"I want to help!"
"No Max! This guy isn't suit for y-"
*Gets punched.*

Mary got thrown off the ground. She still managed to stand up with many scars on her face. Max had to make another move. He ran towards the guy and gave him a punch in the face with all the strength he got. This made the guy lose some fortitude.

"I see you're finally stepping up your game. Max. I think that's your name? Filthy if you ask me."
"Shut up."
"Wow. Okay. HERE-"

As the guy was about to jump right in front of Max to slam his body to the ground, Mary went in front of Max and gave him a HEADBUTT! With her rock head, she managed to make the guy bleed from his forehead. This made the guy furious.

"Y-you.....Are o-one s-solipsistic woman. You m-made m-me b-bleed..."
"I wouldn't call myself solipsistic. Maybe...Autonomous."
"Mary, you're bleeding..."
"Max, I'm fine."
"Are....Are you some kind of an assassin too? How did you even learn how to fight?"
"I'll explain the whole story later. Right now, this guy...NEEDS. TO. BE. CRUSHED. BY. ME!"

As soon as Mary was about to crush the guy's face with her foot, Evan came in time to save his partner. He bashed through the door. Max noticed immediately.

"Oh wow...No one invited me into this action. Oh well, guess I gotta bury 2 bodies today."
"Not so fast."
"We'll see..."

Max's heart pounded as he knew that Evan was stronger than he was. Still, he wanted to try and take him out. With a swift movement, Evan lunged forward, aiming a powerful punch at Max's jaw. But Max dodged that in time, retaliating with a roundhouse kick that Evan narrowly avoided by ducking. This created stress for Max. Mary crushed the guy's face but the guy was ruthless. He got up with an excessive bleeding that was coming out of his face. Yet the four of them fought. Since the bathroom was large, there was space of the four of them to fight. As Max was trying to punch with a swift movement, Evan keeps dodging it. Since the detective guy was almost defeated and couldn't see anything at all, Mary gave him a roundhouse kick to the face which ripped off a second later. Now it's the three of them. As Max was about to run out of stamina, Evan was about to punch Max's jaw until Mary came in time and kicked him instead. That sent Evan flying, he fell into the sink causing him to hit his head very hard which bled soon. He became dizzy. And soon, he accepted his defeat. Max and Mary completed their misson together.

"*Gulps* T-thanks...."
"Mary, you're so talented! I've never met anyone like you. You must have experience then! How come you've never told me...?"
"Actually I used to be a spy. So I'm actually good at fighting."
"Oh? Why did you quit?"
"The company I worked with had...Lots of misogynistic people there...They kicked me out."
"Well that was rude. I wish they could see the amazing Mary she is now today!"
"Thank you, it means a lot, besides you needed help, so, I helped you!"
"Looks like choosing you as a partner was worth it."

Mary gave off a blushed face with a shy smile.

"Now, let's go back to the company before anyone sees us."
"Okay okay."

They got out of the library just in time for the police to arrive. They walked away from them, unsuspected.


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