The Black Council pt1

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"Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, the first of her name, Princess of Dragonstone Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Queen of the Seven kingdom's, and protector of the realm." Everyone in the room turned towards her, bowing their heads. "Your Grace." Daemon says

"Wine, my Queen." Rhaenyra takes the wine from Rhaena's hand. "Thank you, Rhaena, come." she then turned to Baela and Rhaenys, she nods her head, asking them to come to the table.

"What is our standing?" Rhaenyra asks confidently. "We have 30 knights, a hundred crossbowmen, and 300 men-at-arms. Dragonstone is relatively easy to defend, but as an instrument of conquest, our army leaves a lot to be desired. We have sent word to my loyal men at the city watch, I'll have some support there, but I can not speak for the numbers." Daemon replied

"We already have declarations from Celtigar, Staunton, Massey, Darklyn, Bar Emmon." Said an Archmaester.

"My lady mother was an Arryn. The Vale will not turn cloak against their own kin." Said Rhaenyra. She knows how all of this plays out, but she would not have the image of political absence drawn to her name.

"River Run was always a close friend to your father, your grace. With Prince Daemon's acquiescence, I've already sent ravens to Lord Grover." The Archmaester states.

Rhaenyra stays quiet as everyone in the room waits in anticipation. Rhaenyra knows her husband's plans and no longer wishes to question them.

"What of Storms End and Winterfell?" Lord Steffon Darklyn interrupts the silence that was growing in the room.

"There has never lived a stark who forgot an oath, and with house Stark, the North will follow." Lord Bartimos quickly replied.

Rhaenyra opens her mouth to speak but is hesitant. She knows Lord Borros Baratheon would not side with her from past experiences,  but she doesn't know what to tell her court.

"We can't be so sure Lord Borros would stick with his father's oaths, as we can with the starks." Rhaenyra says Confidently, her court looks at her with a bothered face, they feel estranged that Rhaenyra wouldn't consider Storms End.

"What news from Driftmark?" Rhaenyra asks. "Lord Corlys sails for Dragonstone-"
"To declare for his Queen," Daemon interrupts Rhaenys.

"The Velaryon fleet is in my husband's yoke. He decides where they sail." Rhaenys reminds Daemon. "We shall hope for both you and your husband's support, just as we pray nightly for the Seasnake's return to good health." Rhaenyra says.

"There's no port in the Narrow Sea would dare yo make an enemy of the Velaryon fleet." Rhaenyra reminds her court.

"And our enemies?" Rhaenyra asks. "We have no friends among the Lannister's, Tyland has served the hand too long to turn against him. And Otto Hightower needs the Lannister fleet." Daemon answers her.

"Without the Lannister's, we're not likely to find allies west of the Golden Tooth." Rhaenyra says. "No. The Riverlands are essential your Grace." Daemon says whilst lowering his head.

"Pray forgiveness for my bluntness, your Grace. But talk of men is moot. Your cause owns a power that has not been seen since the days of Old Valirya, dragons." A lord brought up.

Rhaenyra looks at Daemon before speaking again. "The Greens have dragons as well." Daemon was about to interrupt her again before Rhaenyra quickly spoke. "But as I recall, only one has battle experience, Vhagar." Jacerys places a box filled with dragon pieces and places a green dragon piece on Kingslanding on the map.

"Dreamfyre is the closest to her age, but she has never seen battle, Sunfyre is the last of their three adults, but he is much smaller than Caraxes." Rhaenyra looks at Rhaenys.

"Tessarion is yet to be classified as an adult dragon, thus making him the smallest of the dragons the Greens have to the war." Rhaenyra states, she walks towards her son, who had placed four dragon pieces on Kingslanding.

She picked up two of the dragon pieces before placing one back in the box. She then walked up to the other side of the table, to the Hightower, and placed the dragon piece there.

"Halaena is with child, as I am. She would not fight for long, giving us time to deliver the first strikes." Daemon looked at her, smirking. " Tessarion is on the other side of Westeros. I doubt Aegon would make his brother return to Kingslanding before bringing the Reach's Army."

Rhaenyra looks up again, meeting eyes with Rhaenys. "We have.. two adult dragons. Syrax, and Caraxes, I can't fight in my state, thus leaving us one dragon-"

"Three, we have three adult dragons. Syrax, Caraxes, and Meleys." Daemon interrupts Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra looks at Rhaenys again. She waits for Rhaenys to say something, but she can't force her, she needs the Velaryon fleet, and Rhaenys is the key to it.

"We can't choose the princesses side for her." Rhaenyra reminds Daemon. "As I was saying, we have one adult Dragon that can fight in the war." Rhaenyra looks at Jace and nods. Jacaerys places a red dragon piece on Dragonstone.

"We have three more dragons, sub adults, but are rideable. Vermax, Arrax, and Moondancer." Rhaenyra states before being interrupted.

"Your Grace, a ship has been sighted off shore. A lone galleon, flying a banner of a three-headed green dragon." Ser Erryk Cargyll states. "Alert the watchtowers, sight the skies." Daemon says before leaving.

"I come at the behest of the dowager  Queen Alicent, mother of King Aegon the second of his name, Lord and protector of the Seven Kingdom's. I've been directed to deliver her message only to the Princess Rhaenyra. Where is the Princess?" Asked Otto Hightower.

Suddenly, Syrax flies over them Rhaenyra on her back, as she lands gracefully all eyes on her and her rider. "Lord Hightower, what does my half-brother want?" Rhaenyra asks as she walk pass them.

"Princess Rhaenyra-" Otto starts before being interrupted by Rhaenyra "Queen Rhaenyra. I'm assuming you're here to demand my surrender?" Rhaenyra asks.

"King Aegon second of his name, in his desire for peace offer a-" Otto asks before being interrupted once again. "No, you may return to your King." Rhaenyra says. Daemon looks at her smirking, he liked how Rhaenyra had been so straightforward toward Otto.

"Grandmaester." Rhaenyra looked at him with an annoyed face, as the grandmaster hands Otto a piece of paper. "The fuck is this?" Daemon asks, placing a hand on Darksister.

"Queen Alicent has not forgotten the love you once had for eachother. No blood need be spilled, the Realm can carry on in peace. Queen Alicent eagerly awaits your answer." Otto whispered to Rhaenyra.

"She can have her answer now, stuffed in her father's mouth along with his withered cock, lets end this (idk what he said)." Daemon said pulling out his Valiryan sword. Everyone quickly pulled out their swords aswell.

"Ser Erryk bring me Lord Hightower, so I may have the pleasure myself." Syrax roars spreading her wings. "No. Kingslanding will have my answer on the morrow." Rhaenyra says walking away.

Almost immediately after Rhaenyra and Daemon walk inside the castle walls Syrax lands beside them, Rhaenyra crumbles the piece of paper throwing it on the ground as she walked toward her dragon.

"You said you wanted to take the first strikes." Daemon told Rhaenyra. "I am." Daemon tilts his head, Rhaenyra climbs on her dragon. "Get Caraxes." Daemon raises his eyebrows, whilst a smile begins to form on his face. "Soves." Syrax opens her wings taking to the skies.

Daemon quickly ran to his dragon, and immediately took off. He has a feeling of what Rhaenyra plans on doing.

Otto Hightower is far enough from Dragonstone now he can barely see the Island due to the fog. He walks up to the front of his ship before hearing a roar.

It was Syrax, flying toward the direction of Driftmark. Otto assumes the Princess is heading there to treat with Lord Corlys, and assumes nothing of it.

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