The Black Council pt3

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The morning sun cast its golden glow over Dragonstone, painting the ancient castle in hues of amber and rose. In the heart of the keep, Daemon Targaryen rapped lightly on Rhaena's door, the sound echoing through the quiet corridors.

Inside, Rhaena stirred from her slumber, the sound of footsteps drawing her from her dreams. With a soft sigh, she rose from her bed and made her way to the door, her movements slow and deliberate.

As she swung the door open, she was greeted by the sight of her uncle, Daemon, his silver hair gleaming in the morning light. Their eyes met, a silent understanding passing between them, before Daemon broke the silence with a gentle smile.

"Good morning, Rhaena," he greeted, his voice warm and familiar. "I thought you might like to take a walk with me."

Rhaena returned his smile, a sense of curiosity stirring within her. Without a word, she fell into step beside him, the quiet of the castle enveloping them like a comforting embrace.

As they walked, they exchanged small talk and laughter, the weight of their responsibilities momentarily forgotten in the simple pleasure of each other's company. Eventually, they reached the painted table, a map of the realm spread out before them like a tapestry of dreams and ambitions.

Rhaena's gaze drifted over the familiar landmarks, her fingers tracing the contours of Dragonstone with a sense of reverence. But before she could linger on the map for long, a dragon keeler entered the room, drawing Daemon's attention away.

"Father," Rhaena began, her voice hesitant yet determined, "there's something I need to talk to you about."

Daemon turned to face his daughter, his expression one of quiet concern. "Of course, Rhaena. What is it?"

Rhaena took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say. "Dragons," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to talk to you about dragons."

Daemon's brow furrowed in confusion. "Dragons?" he echoed, his gaze searching hers for answers.

Rhaena nodded, her eyes shining with a mixture of fear and longing. "Yes, Father. Dragons. I... I don't know if I can do it. I'm afraid of flying. I'm even afraid of Arrax, and Moondancer, and Vermax-! And even Tyraxes..."

Daemon's expression softened, his heart breaking for his daughter's plight. "Rhaena," he said gently, "fear is a natural part of life. But it's how we choose to face that fear that defines us."

Rhaena looked up at him, her eyes filled with uncertainty. "But how do I face my fear when it feels like it's swallowing me whole?"

Daemon reached out, taking her hand in his own. "You start by taking the first step," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "You face your fear head-on, with courage and determination. And who knows? Maybe one day, you'll find that your fear was just a shadow, cast by the light of your own potential."

Rhaena felt a spark of hope ignite within her, warming her from the inside out. "Do you really think so, Father?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Rhaena looked away, as Daemon grabbed her hands, she felt something warm and alive. Rhaena looked back up, only to see a dragon. It was pink like her favorite color. The dragon didn't look intimidating like the others, no.

It shuffled around to fine a comfortable spot on Rhaena's hand.

"She's yet to have a name," Daemon said, his voice soft but filled with conviction. "But she's yours, Rhaena. Yours to train, to nurture, to call your own."

A smile spread across Rhaena's face as she cradled the hatchling in her hands, her heart overflowing with joy and gratitude. And as the young dragon let out a small chirp of excitement, Rhaena knew in that moment that her life would never be the same.

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