Blood and Cheese

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Warning: Major Spoilers Ahead! This chapter contains significant spoilers for the books. Additionally, it includes scenes with graphic violence and gore. Reader discretion is advised.

As Addam strolled around Seasmoke, the gentle rise and fall of the dragon's chest beneath his hand, a distant roar shattered the tranquility of the island. Startled, Addam glanced skyward, searching for the source of the sound. His eyes narrowed as he spotted Syrax, the great dragon circling above, seeking a suitable place to land.

Meanwhile, inside the keep, Nettles' heart raced as she heard the ominous roar echoing across the island. Fear gripped her as she rushed outside, dreading the possibility that the Greens had returned to finish what they started with Seasmoke. But as she emerged into the open air, her fears were replaced by relief as she caught sight of Rhaenyra descending toward them on Syrax.

With a sense of urgency, Nettles hurried toward Rhaenyra, her steps quickening with each stride. As Rhaenyra touched down on the ground, Nettles greeted her with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Beside her, Addam joined in the greeting, a warm smile gracing his features as he welcomed their queen.

"Why have you come to Claw Isle, Your Grace?" Nettles asked, her voice tinged with curiosity. Rhaenyra's response was swift and to the point. "I've come to retrieve both of you for the next Council Meeting at Dragonstone," she explained, her tone firm yet inviting.

With a nod of understanding, Nettles glanced toward Sheepstealer, who had approached alongside her. Wordlessly, the two riders agreed to accompany Rhaenyra back to Dragonstone, their loyalty to their queen unwavering.

With a powerful beat of their wings, Syrax and Sheepstealer took to the skies once more, carrying their riders back to Dragonstone and the challenges that awaited them there.

And as Claw Isle faded into the distance behind them, Rhaenyra, Addam, and Nettles prepared themselves for the next chapter in their journey, their resolve strengthened by the bonds of loyalty and friendship that bound them together.

As Syrax and Sheepstealer circled Dragonstone, Nettles and Addam gazed down at the devastation that had befallen the once majestic Dragonmont. Smoke still billowed from the ruins, a stark reminder of the tragedy that had unfolded there. The sight of Silverwing hunting nearby served as a poignant contrast to the destruction, a reminder that life continued amidst the chaos.

Their attention was drawn to a temporary fort nestled against a cliffside, where smaller dragons such as Morning, Stormcloud, and Moondancer had sought refuge. Vermax, too, was being led into one of the caves, though the makeshift accommodations seemed far from sustainable.

As they landed on the shore, Addam's eyes were drawn to the dragon keepers moving the eggs into the largest cave, their efforts a testament to their determination to protect the future of the dragonkind. Nearby, artisans carved intricate depictions of dragons into the walls, their craftsmanship a tribute to the creatures they served.

With a heavy heart, Nettles and Addam took in the scene before them, each detail a sobering reminder of the challenges they faced. But amidst the destruction and despair, there remained a glimmer of hope—a resilience that refused to be extinguished, even in the face of adversity.

And as they stood on the shores of Dragonstone, united in their purpose and resolve, Nettles and Addam knew that they would do whatever it took to ensure the survival of their dragons and the legacy they represented.

Rhaenyra's voice broke the silence, her words carrying a weight of determination and purpose as she introduced Nettles and Addam to the new Dragoncliff. She sighed, acknowledging that the site had yet to be given a name, but explained that the carved caves would serve as the new living quarters for the dragons, particularly the smaller ones.

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