Chapter 5 - Elyse

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William Chambers, I learn, does not like it when you curiously ask for the story behind his ship's name.

In fact, the entire crew erupts in both discriminating laughter and exclamations of disgust when I ask. I'm especially taken by surprise when Captain William takes me by the collar, shoves me against the metal cabin wall, and spits through his rotten teeth, "You think you deserve to question the Remus's origins, boy?"

A frown has burrowed its way into my brow, and not only because he has just referred to me as a boy. Before I can respond, though, Leola decks him square in the jaw, sending him stumbling back just enough for me to slip out from my cornered position.

"You think you can touch my captain like that?" she snarls, pulling me behind her and Kamal, even though I can handle myself perfectly well.

William's crew stirs. I scan the couple dozen faces as I push in front of Leola, noting the several weapons that have been unsheathed.

"You hit like a girl," Captain William scoffs at Leola, stretching out his jaw in recovery. "Try that again and I'll—"

"Alright, alright," I say, raising my voice just enough to get these stubborn men to listen. "I didn't mean any offense, and we definitely don't mean any trouble here. We're very grateful of your help."

"Are we?" Leola scoffs quietly beside me. I elbow her, hoping she'll quit upsetting this already-angry ship.

"You better be happy," William growls, giving me a lovely scowl. "Half my crew wanted to leave you down there in that Doxem graveyard." He heaves a heavy breath, then gestures to his men that are scattered about the deck. "Well? Get back to work, scumbags!"

After a slight hesitation, they turn and return to their posts, sharing incoherent grumbles of discontent.

"We make port at Culmes in two hours," the captain tells us, his baritone voice rumbling deep through my bones, making itself even more resonant than the groan of the ship's steam engine. "Don't touch anything. Don't say anything. Don't do anything. Understood?"

I catch Leola rolling her eyes. Kamal just nods reluctantly.

I cross my arms. "Sure thing, Captain."

With that, he turns, readjusting his sailor's cap over his bushy head of hair. I watch as he barks more orders at his crew.

Leola slumps against the rail behind us. "What a guy," she says, her words coming through a stifled, annoyed laugh. She shakes her head.

I turn and lean my elbows onto the rail, looking down at the infinite layers of trees as they pass below us. The air is clear up here, even though we're flying just below the Gap, but the rusty scent of metal invades my senses. I liked the Millashu better. The Remus is just a big hunk of junk, one that I would be embarrassed to own.

Just thinking about ships makes my heart sink. Culmes isn't the greatest city to get a new ship. I wouldn't even call it a city. It's a poor, rundown town that's rife with crime and poverty. I'm surprised it's even included on the route—but I suppose there's not another civilization in at least a hundred miles. And the one of the only reasons the town still exists is because of the trade route.

"This royally sucks," Leola groans beside me.

"We'll be fine," Kamal assures her, leaning around me to catch her eye. "We always are, aren't we?"

My mind drifts back to the Millashu. "We might be able to get a commercial route back to Norin," I say, trying to map out a plan of action. "They'll have ships—we can start there."

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