Chapter 11 - Elyse

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My heartbeat doesn't slow when I look at Ben. In fact, it almost kicks the adrenaline back up. Because he just stands there, staring at me, clearly oblivious to the fact that I'm watching him stare. His gaze is lost, and he appears to be completely submerged in his own thoughts. What those thoughts are, though, remain a mystery to me.

It's only once I move toward him that he jolts back to reality. When his eyes meet mine and we lock into some kind of staring contest, his lips part and he just looks at me. His gaze isn't penetrating, and his usual layer of enthusiasm is no longer. I think I'm looking at a true, raw, utterly shocked version of Ben.

"I thought you were going to die," he says quietly, his brow lowering. But his stare does not unlock from mine. "I thought I was going to kill you."

I honestly don't know what to say. Although I barely know this guy, and he seems just young and maybe not-too-innocent, I hear a genuine concern and worry in his voice. Actually, not only do I hear it, I see it, too—I see it in the curve of his eyebrows, the dip in his lips. I see it in his dark, swimming eyes.

It takes me a long moment to speak any returning words. "Well, I mean, I did ask you to keep me alive." I meant it as a joke, but it doesn't exactly sound funny, so I try fixing it with a small smile. I consider patting him on the shoulder or maybe even giving him a hug, but as soon as the thought crosses my mind, I immediately decide better of it. So instead I say, "Thank you, Ben. Really."

This seems to soothe his nerves a bit, because he blinks and glances away quickly. But when he looks back at me again, his eyes seem to be glazed over, as if the raw version of him I saw just seconds ago has been shoved away, back into the place no one can see.

A grin flickers back and forth on his lips, as if he doesn't know what expression to make. I can't look at him anymore—I force myself to turn away and check on the situation.

When I look back at the window, I see the snow has cleared the slightest bit. It still blows fiercely against us, but Leola keeps us steady at the helm. I join Kamal's side near the glass and pat him on the back. None of us say much; it's an odd feeling, one that holds something tense and stifled. All I know is that there isn't too much celebration—we're not out of this yet.

"We're getting closer," I tell my crew. We all stare out at the gray morning glow of the storm, waiting to see something other than snow. After a few moments, a massive, jagged wall comes into view. Leola sees it and begins steering us around.

Ben steps forward to the glass and peers ahead at the mountain before us. "So this is it? The Parlemity Mountains?"

I nod. "This is nothing. They stretch on for another thirty miles or so, and they don't get any smaller."

The Atlas banks around the wide mountain edge, and we all have to lean the opposite way so we don't slide into the furthest wall. The ship shudders on the harsh winds, especially as we reach the end of the turn and are hit with a fierce gale that pushes us backward a bit. Leola manages to straighten us out as the snow calms immensely—and suddenly we're out of the thick of the storm.

"Look," Kamal says, pointing down at something. We all spot it within milliseconds. It's nestled within the rocky cliffs and ridges that are clustered into a narrow valley between mountain peaks.

"Parlem City," Ben breathes, leaning closer to the window to get a better look at all the tents and flags that are posted all over.

Leola steers us in a slow drift downward. "Where's the hangar?"

"Further out, near the drop-off," I tell her, pointing past the valley to the edge, where the mountain turns into a steep cliff. She groans and grumbles something annoyed. I ignore her complaints and turn to the rest of my crew. "Alright, people, listen up. Parlem City isn't Culmes, but it's not Norin, either. So when we're down there, we stick together. Some of the people here can't be trusted, and the civilians will not see any reason to trust you. So there are gonna be a few ground rules here." I wait for them to acknowledge me before I continue. "Rule number one: keep your head down. If you see something suspicious, or even anything noteworthy, do not under any circumstances involve yourself. Rule number two: question everything. There are a lot of fakers here, but a lot of them get away with some pretty nasty stuff. So be careful where you put your trust. And rule number three: do not end up alone. If you get separated from the group, it is then your top priority to get back with us. Am I understood?"

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