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i was watching y/n skate around the ice

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i was watching y/n skate around the ice. she was absolutely mesmerizing. i never took the time to watch figure skaters until now. and all she was doing was skating around the rink, just doing laps.

i stopped skating around and substituted to leaning against the glass just to watch her. i noticed how she wasn't doing any spins or jumps like she usually does. just simple laps.

when she was about to pass me, i moved off the glass and caught up to her. "how come you're just skating in laps?" i asked while skating next to her. y/n didn't look over at me, but i knew she heard me. i turned the music off and it was just the sound of us filling the area.

y/n suddenly sped up and quickly did a jump with a spin when she was in the air. she landed backwards so that she was facing me. "a jump." she bent her body in half into a bow before she turned around and continued doing her laps.

"that was a good jump!" i called out to her and she looked over her shoulder at me before slowing down.

"i landed sloppily." she told me and i shrugged.

"in the eyes of a hockey player- in my eyes, you landed perfectly." i said to her and she stopped skating at my words, standing still and looking at me with her head tilted to the side.


"yeah." i said honestly. "you've always looked graceful on the ice. never looked sloppy to me until i ran into you and knocked you over." i still don't know how i managed to do that. i was always careful about not running into people on the ice.

i remember seeing a whiz of color fly by and next thing i knew, i knocked a girl down. but then running into that girl bought me to where i was today. skating at ten at night with this sassy ass girl.

"thanks." she said almost shyly. almost like she wasn't used to the compliment. "am i interrupting you from your late night skating session or anything?" she asked probably because i was just standing here.

"i usually just skate around on my own with this thing." i held up the hockey stick i haven't used once. "you're not interrupting. i'd rather watch you skate."

"if you say so." she continued her laps and i started to move on the ice with my hockey stick and i dropped the puck down on the ice, skating with the puck in my control.

y/n seemed to get more comfortable once i started to skate around because i saw her doing jumps and spins out of the corner of my eye. i guess it could be a little pressuring when someone was staring at you.

don't get me wrong, i was still watching her every time she jumped up in the air and watched as she landed gracefully, perfectly.

in the short time i've known this girl, i've only seen her fall three times. one of those times was my fault, another one was because she exhausted herself to the point she could barely stand on her two feet, and the last because it was a simple mistake.

she was a good skater. i've seen her skate and even though hockey and figure skating are two completely different things, y/n could skate better than a few guys on my hockey team.

"stop staring already." y/n said when she passed me. i snapped out of my thoughts and turned my head in her direction, going against her words. i watched her back when she jumped up and did two spins in the air and landed back on the ice without a single bit of wobble.

"can't help myself." i doubt she could hear me from the other side of the rink, but i said it anyway. i gave up trying to skate and focus on my own skating when she was in the same rink as me.

i decided that i was going to start packing things up and heading home around eleven which gave me thirty more minutes. i skated over to the exit and sat down in the first row, pulling my phone out of my duffel.

there were a few texts from the hockey team group chat from oikawa telling us when we would be practicing next week and a few joking complaints from mattsun and makki. i quickly updated my mom that i would be home soon before scrolling on my phone for a bit.

every time y/n jumped or did a spin, i looked up from my phone just to watch. while i was sitting and had my phone in front of me, my curiosity got the better of me. i felt a little creepy doing this, but i hurried up and did it before i felt more like a stalker.

i typed y/n's name into my phone and saw a bunch of articles and pictures of her pop up. pictures of her with gold medals or on the podium. articles about her spins and jumps. articles about her wins. pictures of her skating.

this girl was popular and pretty famous. she seemed to be a well known skater and a good one too. i clicked on a few articles and skimmed the words on the page. there was a picture attached to one of the articles of y/n skating and i looked up at y/n who was skating right in front of me.

the only difference between this professional taken picture of her and the real life version of her right now was that she was in casual clothes right now. in the picture she was all glammed up and in her costume. right now, she looked more carefree.

"tired already?" y/n skated over to the exit and held onto the side.

"no, but seems like you are." i started to take off my skates while y/n sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. she looked over at the clock on the wall and seemed to be thinking about something.

"i'm not." i could tell she was lying.

"come back tomorrow after you sleep." i threw the rest of my gear into my bag before picking up my skates. i looked over to her and raised an eyebrow when we made eye contact. "come on. don't be stubborn now. be stubborn tomorrow."

"fine." i was slightly surprised when she agreed. she got off the ice and moved next to me so she could get her skates off. she reached under one of the seats and grabbed her sneakers from there and put them on her feet.

"willing to let me walk you home today?" i asked her, trying to push my luck. y/n was leaning over to tie her laces and she turned her head to look up at me. she sat back up straighter and stood up, carrying her skates in one hand.

i stood up with her and followed her while she walked towards the doors. i turned off the switch to the lights out of curtesy before returning to follow after the girl. i was still waiting for my answer, but she stopped after she opened one of the double doors.

"no." she gave me one of her famous sarcastic looking smiles. "goodnight!"

she walked out the door and i was left staring at her while she walked further away from me. i couldn't help but smile to myself as she walked off.

something about this girl.

don't blame me - h. iwaizumiWhere stories live. Discover now