11 S.W.A.G ... & Tom (Sexual Tension) P3

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Absolutely NSFW!!


You didn't immediately throw yourselves onto each other. No, after Andrew agreed you just... went on with the evening, Tom and you took care of the dirty dishes and then settled on the couch with Andrew who already sat there. With a glass of wine y'all just continued chatting and laughing.
But the thought of both men in bed with you didn't leave your mind.
By now you had placed the glass of wine on the living room table and lied in Tom's arms mostly just listening to the conversation going on between the two guys. With your head resting on his shoulder, close to his neck you slowly inched closer, trying to do so without Tom noticing it, until you gently brushed your lips against the soft skin there.
Tom exhaled shakily, before he continued speaking to Andrew, telling him something about shooting Thor: Ragnarok or something, actually you didn't really listen anymore.
It was more fun to throw Tom off with soft neck kisses, right where his neck was most sensitive.
And indeed it took just a few touches of your lips against his sensitive skin until a moan slipped past his lips.
You felt Tom's hand on your hip and smiled to yourself, for a moment thinking he was about to push you away, but no.... He pulled you closer. Like this your bodies were pressed together. „Little monster." He murmured and groaned again when you gently bit down on a spot of his neck.
Still torturing your husband's neck you opened her eyes to meet Andrew's. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes heated, lips slightly parted as he stared at the two of you. Seeing how you knew EXACTLY what to do to Tom to turn him on, you being so aware of his body was hot to watch and the moans Tom let out were.... Arousing for Andrew. Maybe he wasn't as straight as he thought after all.
Even though... was it actually surprising considering how he very often randomly kissed guys? A part of him probably always liked guys, maybe just hidden.
However... right now it definitely came to the surface and Andrew realized that he kinda won the lottery, because in front of him was a girl he was really attracted to AND a hot guy.

After a moment you pulled away from Tom and gave him a quick look, but when the man nodded a barely visible nod you reached out to Andrew and placed your hand on the back of his neck to pull him in until you could kiss him.
It felt weird at first. Here you were, with your husband and a friend, kissing exactly that friend while you both were leaned over Tom who had a perfect view on what you did.
Gladly Andrew took the lead a little bit, guiding you through the kiss and when Andrew parted your lips with his tongue it wasn't only you who moaned silently, but also Tom who definitely enjoyed the sight. Immediately the sound sent sparks through your body straight to your core.
Andrew's kiss was different from the on screen kisses. More daring, more demanding, more heated and you already felt like your whole body was on fire, as if lava flowed through your veins and after a few kisses you had to pull away already to take a few deep breaths. „The two of you are going to be the death of me." you panted and while Andrew smirked at that Tom apparently decided not to make it easy for you, because it was him now who leaned in and placed his lips on her neck, sucking immediately. It was slightly painful, but felt oh so good and Tom only pulled away when there was a purple mark decorating your neck that showed exactly who you belonged to.
Tom looked at Andrew. „Just to set the record straight. This girl is still mine." He growled, knowing exactly what his possessive side did to you, but also he really just felt like clearing that up again.
Andrew said nothing, but nodded with acknowledgement.
However... the couch was very uncomfortable like this and you pulled away from both man. „Maybe..." you felt her cheeks heat up as you blushed a little, feeling shy all of a sudden. „This might be the moment to take it to the bedroom." After that offer your eyes switched back and forth between Tom and Andrew and for a second you thought about how surreal this was, that you had these two amazingly hot guys in front of you, both attracted to you, about to do some nasty shit with you.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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