chapter 17

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I don't know if it's just my jealousy talking, but there's something about Hwang Bora that makes me feel a bit weird towards her. And it looks like it's only me who can see it, because my friends seem to have warmed up to her faster than I expected, even faster than how they all become close with Rina.

It's only been a day, but they're all acting real close with her now.

"You have the same earrings as Yumi. So cute!" Jiwoo squealed happily, and I was a bit shocked, but smiled nevertheless. Why did she buy the same earrings as mine after asking about it yesterday? Nah. I'm just being bitter and annoying. I really need to be nicer. Besides, it's not like I'm the only person who's allowed to have these pair of earrings.

"I wore it better though! I make it look expensive, meanwhile Yumi... Kidding!" Bora joked before giggling, and I could only fake laugh alongside my friends, since I don't really like her jokes. Maybe it's just me, but her jokes since earlier felt like she was making fun of me. I'm not that sensitive, but I'm also not dumb when someone's outwardly being mean to me.

I glanced at Bora's smiling face as she's busy talking with Shotaro, and I can't help but think that maybe I'm the problem. She looks really nice, and she looks really innocent too. There's no way that there's hidden intentions in whatever she's saying and doing, right?

"Why did you even make her come here? I don't like her," Wonbin suddenly blurted out next to me, and I was shocked because he wasn't the type to judge, rather he's one of the nicest in our friend group.

Maybe it's not just my jealousy talking after all. Because even Wonbin noticed that something's up.

"What makes you say that? She's nice." I argued, but Wonbin just rolled his eyes at me before turning his attention to his phone again.

"She reminds me of Anton's cheater ex. She's acting too nice and smiling like an angel while saying mean things to you. I'm not blind, Yumi. That girl is targeting you from the start." Wonbin argued back, and I wasn't able to say anything back because I still need to have more evidence to prove whatever me and Wonbin were talking about.

Besides, it's been just a day that Bora's with us. She has other friends too, so she might go to them tomorrow or even later.

That's what I thought.

And that's what I secretly wanted.

It's been a week now, but Bora has still been hanging out with us. And for the first time, Wonbin isn't together with us girls because he made it evident that he doesn't like our new company. I've been trying my best to have him be close to her, but he's Wonbin, if he doesn't like someone, even breathing the same air as that person will become a huge issue for him.

That's why he's been hanging out with Eunseok right now, instead of us like what he normally does.

"Anton! I listened to your tracks last night, and all of it were so good! You really need to release them soon, since I'm sure many people will tune in," I told Anton as soon as he reached our spot. He was smiling from ear to ear while listening to me talk about his songs that I can't help but smile after all my rambling too.

"I'm so proud of how much you improved, Anton. You're really the best at what you do," I told him once more, since I really am telling the truth. Anton really is the best in everything he wants to do. May it be swimming, playing the cello or producing songs.

He's that freaking gifted.

"My favorite would be the one with the cello background sounds! It was you playing, right?" I excitedly asked, and I saw Anton nodding, still with a huge smile on his face.

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