chapter 23

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guys ik u wanna see depressed yuyu and anton chasing after her but lets save that angst for later HAHAHAHA also read until the end, u might get surprised ;)


"You like that guy, don't you? What's his name again? Oh, Anton Lee."

'Who wouldn't?' That was my initial thought.

I was stopped on my tracks and even the grip I had on Haruto's hand loosened after I heard his question. I couldn't help but find it funny, do I really like Anton that much for even someone like Haruto who I only met today, find out about my feelings for him right away?

Anton Lee, you lucky idiot. I really am getting ready on how I'll be able to teach him a lesson once this whole issue with Hwang Bora ends.

"Yeah, I like him. What about it?" I asked back, not wanting to receive any bullshit anymore so I'm acting braver and bitchier now. Besides, I'm quite intimidated by Haruto because of his bad boy vibes.

And, I really need to change if I want to be someone that Anton can rely on. Besides, I have always been like this (a bitch especially to my older brother) but I think it got suppressed due to my low self esteem.

"Woah there, chill. I was just asking, I got curious. You look at him with heart eyes, that's all." Haruto was looking away while he explained his side, and I kinda felt bad.

I dragged him here without giving any reason, only to act like a complete bitch around him.

"I'll treat you to dinner. Would you like that? I also have something I need to talk to you about." I proposed, and I was glad when Haruto agreed immediately. Good thing that he's easy to talk to. And it looks like he doesn't hate being seen and talking with me.

We went to a nearby restaurant that serves pasta since that's what he requested. He was smiling from ear to ear as soon as we sat, as if he won the lottery or something. Oh well, it's free food after all.

"The next time we eat out, I'm the one who'll be treating you." Haruto proposed when we finally got our orders.

I was confused. He wants to eat out again? Doesn't he find me annoying or just uncomfortable to be around with? Or was this his way of saying that he'll eat with me again if I let my girl friends tag along?

Oh well, that's happened before.

Nothing's new.

"Sure," I replied briefly before eating.

"Can we take a selfie?"

I was taken aback again at Haruto's question. Why? Did he lose a bet with his friends for him to even force himself to take a picture with me? I let out a deep sigh before facing him with a serious expression on my face.

"Haruto, did you lose a bet with your friends for you to force yourself to take a picture with me?" I asked, but I was startled when Haruto looked shocked and a bit angry.

It looks like he didn't expect that I'd figure him out this fast, huh? Sorry, Haruto. I've been through this before, but because you're kinder than the rest, maybe I can help you out a bit.

"Let's take a selfie then so we'll get over this immediately. But, I need you to help me with Anton as a pay back, okay? We just need to make him jealous, and after that, I'll try to introduce you to my friends, but it's up to them if they'll like you or what." I told him with a smile, I really wish he'll agree because it's a win-win situation after all, but I was surprised when a lone tear escaped Haruto's eye.

Eh? Why is he crying? But, I was even being polite about it! Shouldn't he be happy that he'll win against his friend for this stupid bet?

"Hey, why are you crying?" I asked worriedly, but I was shocked when Haruto just glared at me with those teary eyes of his before eating again.

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