Chapter 7

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The screen changed showed two guards in front and the carriage and more guards and another small carriage behind them, and the city right behind them.

Astoria:The city looks pretty from that view.

Daella:Yeah, it does.but my favorite view is from the sky.

After that people wanted to see what happens on this hunt Daella is talking about.

Viserys:well, isn't this splendid.

The screen switched inside the carriage.

Viserys:The whole of our family off to celebrate and adventure in the Kingswood.

The screen showed Viserys and Alicent and Aegon's nurse but no Aegon.Then moved to show Rhaenyra and Daella who was holding Aegon, while Aegon was playing with a dragon and not letting Daella's hair so she doesn't leave him again.

Daella:Should you be traveling in such condition Alicent?

Alicent:The maesters said that being out in nature would do me well.But thank you for your concern Ella.

Viserys got up sitting beside Daella trying to make Aegon drink wine.

Hermione:Why are you trying to make him drink wine?

Daella:It's normal for parents in royal families to try to make their children drink wine.And some succeed.

Remus:Has he made you drink wine?

Daella:No, my mother has always scolded him if he tried.

Daella:No, father.

Daella moved her father's hand and gave Aegon a drink of her cup which was full of water.Viserys got up but not before kissing Daella's and Aegon's forehead then going back to his seat.

Viserys:Well, you will be with your own child sooner than late, and make me a proud grandsire.

Alicent:It's not so bad.The days are long, but Aegon came quickly and without fuss.

After saying that Daella looked away from them.The trio looked at her knowing why she didn't make any eye contact with any of them.

Lily:It's about Aemma isn't it.

Daella:Yeah but I ultimately forgave my father and kinda managed to move on from that whole thing.

Alicent:I am so sorry, Daella I didn't mean that.

Daella wiped her eyes.

Daella:It's fine, I know you're just trying to make her feel comfortable about childbirth.

Viserys moved to change the subject.

Viserys:You two should ride out with me today.Join in the chase.

Rhaenyra:I'd rather stay with Daella since I haven't seen her in a while.So if she will go joins the chase I will too.And the boars squeal like children when they're being slaughtered.I find it discomforting.

Many people visibly flinched thinking about the boars being slaughtered.

Viserys:It's a hunt, Rhaenyra.

Daella:Yeah, I won't be joining Aegon won't let me go and won't let my hair go.

After he was mentioned, Aegon started babbling.

The women awed at Aegon babbling to Daella.

Viserys:How would you like to participate?

Rhaenyra:I'm not sure why I must.

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