Chapter 9

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The screen lit up again.

Daella:Wait I need to use an outhouse.

They all looked confused.


Death snapped his fingers and a door appeared in the Great Hall.

Death:Can someone teach her to use the modern bathroom?

Lily:I will.

Daella and Lily got up and 5 minutes later Daella and Lily came out and Daella sat down next to her two dads.

The screen lit up:

Daella, Viserys and Alicent were breaking their fast.

Viserys:My Dragon you said you wanted to ask me something last night.

Daella:You said all you have ever wanted for us is to be happy right.

Viserys:Yes I have said that.Why?

Daella:I was thinking that you can annul Kepus and Lady Rhea Royce's marriage I know it will make him happy to be able to pick his own wife for once.

Viserys:If you think that will make him happy then yes I will.

Daella smiled, when a servant whispered something in Daella's ear, Daella stood up.

Daella:I'll be right back.

The camera moved to show Daella and Ser Jorah getting into a carriage.The carriage showed the carriage in front of a whore house.Daella and Jorah stepped out with a hood over their head.

Mysaria: I'm glad you came, Princess.

Daella:Show me, my uncle.

Mysaria led Daella and Jorah to Daemon who was just sitting there.

Daemon:I told you i'm leaving.

Daella:Yeah, we are let's go.


He turned his head to see Daella and Ser Jorah.

Daella:Yes, now let's go.

Daemon stood up instantly and went to Daella's side.Daella handed Mysaria coins and Mysaria handed Daella a stack of dress.Which Daella handed it to Ser Jorah.They made their way to the carriage.Daemon didn't dare try to make an excuse and he will never admit he was scared of Daella.

Daella and the Targaryen's laughed seeing Daemon is actually scared of someone.

They made their way back to the castle when they stepped foot out of the carriage guards grabbed Daemon.Leaving Daella and Ser Jorah to walk back to her chambers.When the news of her uncle being sent to the Vale she knew it was time to tell him.She made her way pass the Dragon pit to see Balerion waiting, she mounted him then flew towards the sky.She made her way to the Vale to see no Caraxes.

She walked for a while then she found both Daemon and Rhea.

Daella:I have to say Lady Rhea the rumors are true you're as beautiful as the stars.

Rhea:Thank you, Princess it's an honor to be complimented by the Realms Pearl.

Daemon:I still think the sheep are prettier.

Daella:Thank you.

She picked up a rock from her feet pointing it at Daemon.

Daella:I will hit you with this.Shut up.

The Queen and Her Dragon // HOTD x HP//Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ