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"..Val, wake up!" Valera Cameron let out a small shout as she was roughly pushed off her bed, landing on her floor with a thud.

"..I've been trying to wake you up for the last two minutes," Valera lifted her head, pushing her hair out of her face, and she saw her older brother, Rafe cameron, standing by the other side of the bed with a grin.

"What time did you even go to sleep last night? Oh, and your phone has been buzzing for the last minute. It's annoying. " He told her, and Valera groaned, reaching her hand up and grabbing her phone.

"I went to sleep at 2...it's 8! Why didn't you wake me up sooner!?" Valera questioned, quickly standing up, almost tripping over her blankets.

Rafe scoffed, "Uh, Hello! I did. It's not my fault you slept at 2 in the morning."

Valera smiled at him and hugged him, "Ew, you haven't showered, get off." Rafe said, trying to push Valera off of him.

"Thank you for waking me up, Rafe. Now get out of my room," Valera stepped back, and Rafe rolled his eyes ,

"And the close the door behind you..." Valera trailed off as Rafe walked out without even closing the door.

Valera's phone buzzed again, and she smiled as it was from JJ, saying to meet them at the docks.

Valera tossed her phone into her bed before she hurried to get ready for the day.

After rushing to get ready, she rushed out of her room, her hair wet, and one leg up as she tried to put on her shoe as she walked towards the stairs.

She almost slipped on the stairs but managed to catch herself on the railing.

"Valera! What's the rush?" Rose cameron questioned, appearing in front of Valera, who sheepishly smiled as she almost bumped into her.

"The rush? Oh, I got places to be," Valera replied, stepping aside and walking down the last step.

"Turtles to save, you know, okay..um..bye!" Valera rushed to the front door and made her quick escape before anyone else could stop her.

The yard was messed up due to Agatha passing through last night, but Valera stepped or jumped over the fallen branches as she made her way to the docks.

As she arrived at the docks, she saw the boat pulling up with her friends.

"Yo! Lera!" JJ saw her, waving at her, and she waved back, "sup!"

Pope held out his hand as Valera neared the boat, "My lady." He playfully said, and Valera smiled at him, taking his hand and getting on the boat.

"Why, thank you." She bowed, and they laughed,

JJ grinned and started to mimic kissing sounds towards them. Pope threw him a glare, and JJ laughed, sharing a look with John B.

Valera felt her cheeks heat up, and she let out a small cough, clearing her throat, smiling at Pope as she took a step back.

Pope awkwardly smiled back before he smacked JJ in the back of the head,

"Ow! Dude!?"


"..you're getting beer in my hair!" Kiara exclaimed, glaring at JJ as she leaned closer to Valera so she wouldn't get hit by more beer.

Valera let out a small laugh, and Kiara sent her a look, and Valera shrugged, standing up and going to stand next to JJ.

"Let me show you how it's done!"

Most of the beer went into Valera's mouth, but the rest flew back towards the others.

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