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Rafe gasped, his side painfully aching, and he let out a scream as something pushed against it.

"I know.. I know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," a hand cupped his cheek, and his eyes met his sisters.

"It's okay, you're gonna be okay, Rafe, just stay awake." Valera told him, sniffling. Her clothing was soaking wet and covered in blood.

His blood. Rafe groaned, and Valera wiped the single tear that fell from Rafe eye, smearing his cheek with blood.

His skin was pale and cold, and he was shivering.

"Kai! How much longer!" Valera questioned, her voice loud, speaking over the loud engine.

"I see land!" Kai yelled back, and Valera looked down at Rafe with a smile.

"You hear that? We're almost there, and we're gonna get you some help, or I'm just gonna patch you up myself. Either way, you are gonna be okay." Valera told him,

Rafe coughed, splatter of blood came from his mouth, landing on his pale cheeks, and his eyes slowly closed.

"No!no! Rafe, keep your eyes open! Please!" Valera sobbed out,

"You.. you can't leave me! I'm sorry, I am so sorry! I didn't leave you so don't you dare leave me!"

Valera jolted forward as the boat made it to land,

"Kai, get help!" Kai nodded and ran off the boat to get help.

Valera sniffled, her hand on Rafe's chest, above his heart, making sure it was still beating. Her other hand was putting pressure on his wound.

Valera heard footsteps, and she lifted her head, thinking it was Kai coming back with help, but it was men with guns instead.

"Hands up!" They demand

"No! I can't! He's bleeding out! He's dying!" Valera told them,

"Where's the cross?" One of the men asked,

"I don't.. I don't know what you're talking about! But please, he needs help!" Valera begged,

"Where's the cross!?"

Valera sniffled. She didn't know anything about a cross, but she could use it to help rafe.

"No. I won't tell you, not until you help my brother! I will tell you where the cross is once my brother is alright! But if he dies, then fuck your cross!" Valera told them, glaring at them.

The men looked at each other before a few of them lowers their guns.

"We'll help him, but you better tell us where that cross is or else."

Valera nodded, "I will."

Valera hoped Rafe was going to be okay, and she needed to figure out how to get herself and Rafe out of this situation.

Valera saw Kai from the corner of her eye. She shook his head at him. "Run." She mouthed to him before she was pushed forward.

Rafe let out a small shout as he was being moved.

"Be careful with him!"


Valera paced back and forth in the room she was placed in.

It's been hours since she heard from Rafe. Her clothes dried along with Rafe blood.

She tried her best to wash the blood off her arms in the bathroom, but her brothers blood still stained her clothes.

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