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The next day, Valera walked into the Heyward seafood store, and she spotted Pope's father cleaning up the store.

"Hey, Mr. Heyward." Valera greeted with a kind smile, and Bobby heyward, Pope's father looked up and smiled at Valera.

"Valera! It's nice to see you again..wait, those Damm boys aren't with ya today, are they?" Bobby questioned , glancing behind her, looking for any sign of JJ and John B.

Valera shook her head. "No, just me today, Mr. Heyward. Is Pope here? I told him I was gonna stop by today."

Bobby shook his head ,"No, that boy ran off this morning,"

Valera frowned, "But he did say something about coming back. That Damm boy slacking off on his chores, leaving his old man doing all the cleaning."

"Well, I can help, and before you say anything, I have nothing better to do, and you don't have to pay me, I work for free." Valera told him with a determined look on her face.

Bobby stared at her for a second before chuckling, "Why couldn't I have a kid like you? Can you restock the shelves? And don't worry about the heavy stuff, I got that."

Valera nodded ,"you got it, Mr. Heyward." Valera smiled at him before she went to work.

Bobby chuckled. He's never seen someone as young as Valera to be excited to work.

Valera spent two hours helping Bobby around the store, chatting with him about anything.

"Thank you for the help today. If it weren't for you, I think I wouldn't finish this early." Bobby told her, and Valera shrugged.

"It's nothing, really," she grabbed a glass soda and took out some cash, "here."

Bobby shook his head," it's free. You deserve it after your hard work today."

Valera nodded, smiling ,"Thank you."

The door to the store opened, "Dad, I'm back! I brought my friends!" Pope voice rang out.

Bobby sighed, "JJ, don't touch anything!"

JJ raised his hands, "I wasn't!" JJ grinned as he spotted Valera.

"Lera!" He ran over and wrapped his arms around her waist, picking her up and spinning her around.

"J, my soda!" Valera managed to not spill any of her soda as JJ spun her around before settling her down.

"This place looks nicer than when I left." Pope commented, feeling jealous as JJ had his arms around Valera.

Bobby sent his son a look, "Yeah, no thanks to you," Pope looked at his father offended , "You should thank Valera. She helped me out today. She has some amazing organizing skills, better than yours."

"Lera, it's so good to see you again." Kiara smiled at her, pushing JJ away from Valera and hugging her, and Valera chuckled,

"I did tell Pope that I was gonna stop by today." Valera replied, and everyone looked at Pope.

"I may have forgotten." He defended himself, and Kiara rolled her eyes.

"Gonna hang out with today? Please, pretty, please?" JJ clasped his hands together, pleading, a playful look in his eyes.

Valera saw Sarah standing to John B by the door, and she looked back at JJ.

"Fine, only cause you begged." She replied in a playful tone.

JJ smirked, "Awesome! Up top, babe!" JJ raised his hand for a high five, and Valera gave him one.

"Alright, you kids scram! You are bringing in dirt into my store!" Bobby interrupted

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