Chapter 7

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"An Elemental and an Aetherion, how remarkable," Dumbledore said, joyfully clapping his hands together as he gazed at the two uncomfortable teens.

Severus watched in amusement as the two boys, sat on either end of the sofa, glanced at each other, temporarily bonding for a split second over their shared distress and confusion. While he agreed with the headmaster that it was an incredible discovery, Potter and Malfoy were clearly overwhelmed, as they should be. Nothing had been explained to the two yet as Dumbledore had wasted no time in coming over when Severus gave him the news.

"You will both begin training at once, especially you, Harry," Dumbledore said.

"And Mr. Malfoy? A week and a half is hardly enough time to get any kind of meaningful training done," Severus said, noting the stressed expression that had appeared on Potter's face at the headmaster's pressure.

"His training will have to take place at home," Dumbledore said and Severus frowned.

"You intend to return him to Lucius?" Severus said, struggling to comprehend the headmaster's decisions and priorities. He understood wanting to focus on growing Potter's magic, but why not Malfoy's as well?

"We cannot keep him from his family, Severus," Dumbledore said. "It would be akin to kidnapping."

"I understand that, Headmaster, but you would send a boy with this kind of power to the Dark Lord?" Severus said, seeing Malfoy pale rapidly out the corner of his eye. "I do not believe that to be wise."

"We cannot go up against Lucius Malfoy, not over his son," Dumbledore said firmly. "There is nothing I can do."

Severus said nothing as he stared hard at the old man. It was strange for the headmaster to discover a magic not seen for over a thousand years and not want to use it to his full advantage. Was it because it was Malfoy? Was he not worthy to be one of Dumbledore's soldiers? Was Malfoy meant to be abandoned to his fate while Potter was driven head-long into his?

"Now, Harry, Professor Snape will begin your training and then we will continue together at school," Dumbledore said and Potter gave a stiff nod. Severus noticed Malfoy's head had dropped slightly, likely at the headmaster's dismissal of his wellbeing. "Work hard and, Severus, keep me updated."

Severus just inclined his head and watched Dumbledore disappear through his Floo. His own thoughts circulating, his eyes flicked back to the two boys still sat on the sofa. Potter looked overwhelmed and stressed while Malfoy had grown confused and despondent. It would not be productive for any of them to continue discussing the matter now.

"Outside, you two," he said, drawing both sets of eyes to him in question. "Get some air and try to relax some before dinner."

They both hesitated before giving small nods and slowly left the library. Severus watched them go, his vision growing distant as he wondered what exactly was going on and what he was supposed to do now.


Draco gritted his teeth to hold back his scream as the burning on his forearms continued. He clenched his hands into fists against the pain and, while he managed not to scream, he couldn't stop the single tear that escaped the corner of his eye. He bit his lip to prevent any sounds when he was backhanded across the face. As bad as it all was, it would only be worse if he made a sound or cried.

"Still so weak," Lucius drawled.

"I'm sorry, Father," Draco said monotonously, staring straight ahead and ignoring the ache in his knees from being on them on the hard floor for so long.

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