CHAPTER 6 - The Conjuring House:

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Attachment - Violet Cady Potter

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Attachment - Violet Cady Potter

Violet stepped into the Conjuring House without the boys, looking around.

She'd heard them talking about it once and got curious. So, here she was.

A ghost came up to her. "Hello dear, I am Abigail. What is your name?"

"Violet," she replied. "Call me Via."

"Welcome to the house, Via," Abigail smiled. "May I show you around?"

"Of course!"

After the tour, Violet and Abigail had some fun messing with the tenants. Their gasps made Violet laugh. This was kinda fun. But she did miss the boys.

"What brings you here, Via?" Abigail asked at one point.

Violet went silent. "Um...I hang out with these ghost hunters. They mentioned the house and I got curious."

"Ghost hunters?" Abigail hummed. "What's their names?"

"Sam and Colby," the younger one replied.

"Ahh," Abigail nodded. "Our spirits have mentioned them before. How did you die?"

"Car accident. I went to Colby because he was in the other car, and he was devastated when I was pronounced dead."

Abigail nodded again, "interesting story."

Violet shrugged. "Well, it's mine. And I'm stuck with it."

A few hours later, she got up to leave. When she exited the house after saying goodbye to Abigail, she took a deep breath and began walking down the road.

She blinked at the gate and was back inside.

"What the-?" Violet's eyes widened. "Abigail!"

"Via?" The ghost frowned. "I thought you left?"

"I did! I-I was outside! But then-?"

"The house isn't letting you leave, Via."

Violet's heart dropped.

She was stuck here.

April speaks!:
I'm playing with my life...
scorpionsNsnakes  and I are going to do something
up high soon. And she'll push me off if I torture my characters...

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