• Chapter 2 •

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"Signs and Mystery"

Taira, 11 years ago

Just as the Rain cried and the skies roared, King Solon was Staring by the Window. Watching the lightning struck and listening to the whispers of the howling wind "Your majesty... at this rate we need to surrender. The kingdoms have a point afterall..."

King Solon lightly scraped his quill along a list of reports, absent-mindedly drawing lines across the words.
"Your Majesty..." No response.


King Solon glanced, "No." He declared. His voice echoed the Room and he stood. Whispers started to rise among the officials, dukes and counts. He added;
"They may have a point, But what if They all are wrong? Then that would mean I have killed my own daughter..."

After a pause he continued, "No. we cannot base on prophecies alone. History destroyed us once and it can happen again." He twiddled at something on his finger. A small pendant. His daughter's pendant he kept at the meeting to make the right decisions.
"The princess is not safe in the palace anymore."

"What do you plan now, Your Majesty?" an official inquired.

"The princess, did not survive." He vaguely replied.

"Your Majesty?"
"We do not get what you are trying to say"

The king gave them all a hard stare, one by one. "The princess did not survive, from now on, that's all you know. Every corner of the palace, anyone serving me, and even any of you, can be a threat to the princess."

"Its not safe for her to stay here anymore. As long as my daughter can be safe, I am willing to sacrafice her presence from me..."


As swift as arrow, under the moonlight a shadow ran towards the horizon. It was no shadow but a knight with a little princess at hand.
After the king dismissed the meeting, the same night he ordered someone particular to hide the princess somewhere far away from the capital as possible. Later, he declared that the princess passed away and did not survive. During that meeting, the officials were never informed of what happened next and the king ordered that they will be executed and their families will suffer the same consequences if word got out.

Although it was still questionable why the King preferred the Princess to be outside the palace, this knight, Lukein could understand his reason. That is because the palace is corrupted. Anyone can be a suspect, anyone could be a pawn, anyone could easily kill this princess. But what if nobody knows where she is? What if No one knew what happened next? Everyone will be asking the same questions, but only the King and the Queen knows. The world thinks the Princess is dead, and when the time is right, the dead princess will be resurrected.

The Knight stopped in his journey, somehow when he whipped his head he cought an arrow! This arrow was fast, the moment he opened his hand, thin lines of smoke flew up and blood dripped from his palms.

Lukein drew his sword, "Come out." then among the shadows a figure stepped in. It held a long bow and in his chest was a medal, this is probably a spy.

He smiled, "Nice catch, you mind if I take her?"

"Which Kingdom do you serve?"

"You don't need to know."

"I want to know... Why are the Five Kingdoms fighting over a princess?"

The spy scoffed. "Everyone except this Kingdom knows... if you want to know, I tell you after I take her!" Another arrow flew and Lukein dodge. After he landed on his feet, the spy pondered for a while then looked up. He smiled, "Ah... you cast a spell to protect her?" just above Lukein's head, the Princess levitated inside a blue water bubble. Although it looked like a bubble, not even a single dust could enter or stir the waters of the sheild.
"How clever... You-You must be the strongest knight huh? Not only you dodge arrows insanely fast but you can also cast spells." he launched another arrow and he sliced them in half.

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