•Chapter 4•

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"The Royal Capital"

Shine's luggage clicked as she forcefully pressed it close.
That sure is a heavy bag... She packed almost too much thinking it might not be enough for her for one week. She pressed her lips against one another and stared at the Temple from her window. To think that I may actually become like you one day, she said to Kirria's Statue, but she didn't get any response, that statue only reflected the sun and gleamed.

Shine stretched her legs and went to the mirror to look at herself. This time she was wearing a blue jumper-dress just below her knees, high socks, and her favourite boots. After staring at the Mirror for a while, she noticed something amiss in her outfit. She threw herself into her bed and rummage through the piles of unnecessary stuffs she has and finally found what she wanted. She smiled, and pinned a black little bow tie by her collar.

Shine dusted her dress and fixed her hair a little. "Now I'm ready..."

"Master?" She called. As always, he was having tea by the back yard, enjoying the morning. When Master saw her, he stood and approached her.

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I have everything I need. I'm just... A little scared. It's my first time going to the capital afterall."

Master smiled widely and patted her shoulder. "Don't worry, you won't be alone."
Shine beamed "You will come with me?!" She smiled with excitement.

Master laughed. "No, all you need to do is wait for him to arrive and he will accompany you all the way there and back here— Ah... Look who decided to show up. There he is."

Shine followed Master's gaze and saw a man dressed in a teal cloak and armour coming at them with long strides. It's the knight from before!

"Ah..." No not him. He's too scary to be around with... Shine faked a smile. "Is he the one who will accompany me to the capital?"

Master nodded and smiled, his eyes almost a crescent moon. "Now be good and follow his orders alright?"

"Good Morning Master..." He bowed. Then he gave Shine a long stare. Shine didn't know whether to look away or smile, so she did both and it resulted her to look like she's smiling in disgust.

"Good morning sir..." Master rubbed Shine's arm and introduced her to the knight. "... Please take good care of her. Shine, he will be your bodyguard—”

”-bodyguard? Why do I need a bodyguard??"

Master looked disappointed a little and he straightened himself, "Shine, I told you two months ago did I not? That magic you are holding within you is none like no other..."

Master Whispered in her ears. "...So no matter what happens, you need to stay safe. Okay?"

Sure... Shine spent half an hour staring at the buildings by the window of the Crystal Train¹ sometimes looking down, sometimes stealing glances of her 'bodyguard' just sitting across her. This time the Knight saw her looking at him and he asked;

"Is it your first time in the train?"
Shine slipped a strand of hair behind her ear and nodded.
"Oh, yessir, actually it's my first time leaving the temple, and the province."

The knight spoke as he stroke invisible lines on his helmet, "That explains why you're scared..."
Finally... Someone said it.

"...But you don't have to be scared as long as you stick with me." Somehow it made her feel a little uncomfortable with this stranger, she doesn't even know him and to think she'll spend her days with this guy while she's in the capital makes her a little shy.

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