•Chapter 3•

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"A Twist Of Fate"

Shine's eyes widened. "What? What do you mean? I–I wasnt-" she grabbed on her neck and felt a string-like around it, she followed the trail and ended up holding a detailed pendant.
Master's eyes traveled down the ground, and bended to reach for something and handed it to her. Shine has no choice but open her palms and look at it.

"This is a fragment of Kirria's statue..."

Right! Last night the statue exploded! Shine's hands trembled as she feels the rough stone standing atop her palm.

"So... Does that mean— Wait! It's so complicated! What happened to the intruder? How's the Statue now?! What he said about me!"

His eyes wrinkled as he forced them to be shut close, he reached for Shine's hands and held them.
"Shine, last night you activated a histocal amulet and an intruder felt the presence and attacked the temple. You were able to do that because you are a descendant of Kirria."

Shine kept her lips sealed even though many questions were trying to be spoken.  Wasn't I found in the sacrificing altar? How could that be possible? Do you know my parents? Do you know where I came from? How did you know?

"Shine, you hold a very strong essence of Holy Magic, this is the reason why you were able to activate that amulet. Now that you know your potential, you must walk the path you need to..." His eyes rose to hers, staring deep into her Violet eyes.

"... Please use your power for the greater good. That way you may grow as the person I raised you to be, Maybe one day, you can find more truth about you."

Shine didn't bother to talk anymore. She swallowed her speech and nodded, and listed those words deep in her heart. I'm only twelve, how can I process these things? Why did my life change so fast?

Just outside the Temple, Shine swept dried leaves into the side of the garden and watered the flowers. A week has passed and only then I could walk on my own after enduring so much injuries. Every time I spot the temple I try to remember everything that happened that night, I still can't believe it... Until this very day...

By the entrance a visitor came, covered in armour and a shining helmet, a cloak hanging by his shoulders. He observed the yard for a while, probably looking for someone.
She stood and approached him after she had just plucked some flowers for additional offerings.

"Good afternoon sir." She greeted. The man turned to her, she noticed a medal hanging by his teal cloak and a kingdom crest pressed into his armour. He must be a knight. He bowed His head in greeting.

"Are you here to pay your respects for the Rulers? Let me teach you how if it's your first time—"

"-Ah, no..." He replied with a low muffled voice. Shine couldn't see his face through the helmet, but she sure can see his eyes; Jade colored and relaxed.

"Oh— Sir you look familiar...?" He was taken aback, then he looked at the opposing path leading to a small house.

"Is the head master of the temple inside? May I see him?" He inquiried.

"Oh..." What could his reason be? Not that I'm too curious but... he's not that suspicious either... also he's a knight, I think it's fine...  "...Yes, Please follow me"

The door creaked open to the back yard where they usually have breakfast, "Master, you have a visitor..."

Master stopped meditating and turned to her, "Who is it?" Shine was dumbfounded, she awkwardly smiled and revealed a man in armour. "I...don't know, but he's a knight."

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