How You Hug

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Jon Snow: When you two hug, he wraps his arms around you tightly and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. Sometimes when you notice him brooding about something, you love to go give him hugs from behind. When you do, he just blushes and just holds on to your arms for a little while.

Robb Stark: He hugs you very protectively, with one arm around your waist, and the other over your back, using his hand to hold your head against his chest. When he holds you like this, he also loves to kiss your forehead.

Bran Stark: When you hug, no matter what, you always hide your face in the crook of his neck.

Ned Stark: He loves to give very long lasting hugs. No matter the duration of the hug, you always hold each other tightly while he rubs your back. He also loves it when you come up to give him a hug from behind. When you do it, he always turns to face you, and kisses your forehead while pulling you in for a long hug.

Joffrey Baratheon: When he hugs you, he wants to make you feel protected in his arms, so he wraps both arms over your back. He loves it when you rest your head on his shoulder.

Tommen Baratheon: He loves it when you're the one who pulls him into a hug and he loves when you gently rub his back. Whenever you hug him, he nuzzles his face into your shoulder.

Jaime Lannister: Before he lost his hand, whenever you would try to hug him it wouldn't last very long until he was squirming his way out of your arms and playfully teasing you.
After he lost his hand, he became a lot more receptive, loving when you hug him because it shows you still want him despite his hand. He always melts into your hugs and kisses you softly all over your face and neck.

Tyrion Lannister: When you two hug, he loves to gently cup your face in his hands and rest his forehead against yours.

Tywin Lannister: He doesn't usually hug you, but sometimes when he sees you really need a hug he gives in and lets you press your face into his chest while he rubs circles between your shoulders.

Viserys Targaryen: He's not usually the physically affectionate type, but he secretly enjoys when you play absent-mindedly play with his hair while you hug him, even though he would never openly admit to enjoying it.

Jorah Mormont: He loves to give you long, gentle hugs. He often tells you that when he holds you, the rest of the world just disappears. He loves to give you hugs from behind, just wrapping his arms around you and swaying side to side while whispering about how much he loves you.

Ramsey Bolton: He prefers to hug you when there are other people around as a way of showing your relationship off. He always holds you very tightly, not letting you wriggle free until he feels like it. You also sometimes hug him to calm him down when he's very angry or jealous. As you wrap yourself around him, he normally doesn't hug you back at first, but he'll play with your hair until he's calm enough to hug you back.

Roose Bolton: In public, you often initiate small hugs to try to show everyone his gentler side. He'll normally pause briefly to hug you back with one arm as he hides a small smile. In private, he's a little more willing to hug you back. Often, when you hug him, he'll pull you into an even tighter one and makes sure to kiss your face.

Petyr Baelish: He doesn't mind giving you the occasional light hug in public, but he loves hugging you in private. When he hugs you, he cradles you to him while massaging your back and even the back of your neck.

Theon Greyjoy: He hugs you all the time, whether in front of people or in private. When you're feeling upset, he just holds you tight and rocks back and forth while stroking your cheeck with his thumb. Other times, he's feeling more playful and gives you lighter hugs where he loves to tease you by tickling you until you can't hold back your laughter.

Sansa Stark: At first, she wasn't quite comfortable with giving and receiving hugs, but as time goes on, she gets more comfortable. Now, she loves when you pull her to you and cradle her against your chest while stroking her hair.

Arya Stark: She's not a very cuddly person, so when she gives you a hug, or even lets you hug her, it's very special. She just holds on to you tightly and presses her head against you.

Catelyn Tully: She loves hug when she's in a sentimental mood. She enjoys just leaning against you while you kiss her cheek or forehead. When you surprise her by giving her a hug from behind, she smiles and leans into your arms, staying like that for a little while before turning around to face you.

Cersei Lannister: She only hugs you when it's really important. When she sees you upset, she carefully takes your face in her hands and comforts you, before pulling you close to her and presses your face against hers. When she's upset, she loves when you just pull her close to you and whisper comforting things.

Daenerys Targaryen: She loves to give you soft, light hugs whenever she has a chance throughout the day, wanting to make sure you know you're loved.

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