What You Do On Your First Proper Date

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Jon Snow: You have dinner with his family.

Robb Stark: You have a picnic in the woods.

Ned Stark: You sneak out to go stargazing at night.

Joffrey Baratheon: You go on a walk in the forest, where he tries to impress you with his bravery after encountering a fox. When he notices how enamored you are by the fox, he promises to hunt a fox that's even more beautiful and bring you it's fur as a gift.

Tommen Baratheon: You have a quiet lunch with him and his cat.

Jaime Lannister: You go dancing together in a local tavern.

Tyrion Lannister: You visit the library together and he shows you all the books he thinks you'll like, since you haven't read many books before.

Tywin Lannister: You sneak away to talk privately during a feast.

Jorah Mormont: You go to a large market and he tells you all about the things you two see.

Roose Bolton: You go to a nearby hill with a beautiful view and he encourages you to tell him all about yourself.

Ramsey Bolton: Late at night, he takes you to the kitchens, where you two have fun as you teach him how to cook and bake.

Petyr Baelish: You go out in King's Landing and he gives you a tour of all the best places that he thinks you'll like.

Theon Greyjoy: You have a picnic at your favourite peaceful place.

Jory Cassel: You watch the sunset together.

Sansa Stark: You two have a girl's day, getting new dresses and being pampered by your maids.

Arya Stark: You sit together and make a bucket list and dream about what your future could be like together.

Catelyn Tully: You explore a local farmer's market together.

Cersei Lannister: You read steamy books to each other in her chambers.

Daenerys Targaryen: You go on a massive scavenger hunt that she created for you.

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