How They Comfort You

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Jon Snow: He's not the best at knowing what to do when you're upset, but he tries. He normally just tries to sit with you, and if you want to talk about he'll listen. As he gets more comfortable with you, he may even hug you, especially if you're crying. Sometimes after a while of sitting together, he'll even try to make you laugh with a little joke, but he doesn't keep going after one joke.

Robb Stark: When you're upset, he just pulls you into a tight, comforting hug, pressing your head gently against his chest and swaying you. Once you're feeling a bit better, he'll let you out of the hug, but will still keep holding your arms as he asks what was bothering you, and if there was a person responsible for it.

Bran Stark: When you're upset, he'll first put a comforting hand on your shoulder and ask you gently if you'd like to talk to him about it. If you say yes, he just listens quietly and then once you're done talking, he agrees with you. If you don't want to talk about it, he'll encourage you to do other things that will make you feel better. He'll get you some water and maybe even encourage you to get a snack. Then, you'll just spend some time together curled up.

Ned Stark: At first, he wouldn't really have an idea of how to make you feel better, but he wouldn't let that stop him from trying. He would take your hands in his much larger ones and ask you what you'd like him to do to make you feel better. He'd offer you a drink, a warm bath, even to go on a walk and talk about what was bothering you. Eventually, as time went on, he learned what worked really well. He would still offer you warm baths and walks, and loved when you accepted, and he would also add asking you if you'd just like to cuddle, which he also really enjoyed.

Joffrey Baratheon: He would hold your face in his hands and ask you as gently as he could what happened and who had made you upset, promising you that whoever it was would regret their actions. If you were crying, he would wipe away your tears with his thumbs. When he felt satisfied, he would let go and kiss you very softly, and tell you again that he would punish the person responsible for upsetting you, although you would be hesitant to tell him if there was someone responsible, because you knew he would be brutal in punishing them.

Tommen Baratheon: Tommen would be able to recognize when you're upset without you needing to say anything, making it very easy for him to comfort you. He would usually just hug you, nuzzling his face into your neck. It would be so cute that it would make you giggle.

Jaime Lannister: At first, when Jaime would comfort you, he was just going through the motions of what he had learned was comforting, giving you a little hug and playfully trying to get you to tell him what was wrong. As time went on, especially after he lost his hand, Jaime became more caring. He would still be playful when trying to get you to talk to him about it, but he would also comfort you more gently, giving you a much longer hug, rubbing your back and playing with your hair.

Tyrion Lannister: When you're upset, he mostly just tries really hard to get you tell him about it and laugh. He'll make silly jokes that he knows you'll find funny, and it helps make you feel comfortable telling him anything. Then he'll just sit with you, usually with you two cuddled up together and him stroking a hand down your back.

Tywin Lannister: Tywin can read your emotions quite well. He's not really the type to provide you with lots of physical affection to comfort you, although if you're really upset, especially if you're crying, he doesn't mind letting you press your face into his chest while he rubs gentle circles between your shoulders. When you do this, he also talks to you in a very soft voice, telling you it's alright. Otherwise, when he sees you just a little upset, he's more subtle, buying you things he knows you'll like, giving you small compliments, and being a little more gentle than usual.

Viserys Targaryen: Viserys isn't really too concerned when you get upset, knowing that you'll get over it eventually, but sometimes he steps in if it gets really bad. He'll hold you by your arms and use his thumbs to stroke your arms while he looks at you and whispers encouragements to you, normally making you blush from the attention.

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