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Minho was woken up by his apartment's door bell being rung multiple times in a row. The boy stood up from his bed with a groan, feeling irritated because for once he was actually having a nice sleep.

He peaked through the peephole and frowned upon seeing a very familiar boy outside his door, and as soon as he opened the door the said boy literally threw himself at Minho and nuzzled his head in his neck.

"I missed you" Jisung mumbled against his skin and pulled Minho even closer if that was possible. The latter lifted his hand up and patted his head, "I know, I'm just that good" Minho flaunted and the younger chuckled. "You're the best person I could ever ask for" Jisung stated and the older scrunched his face because the younger boy wasn't really the type to express his feelings verbally.

"And before you ask anything, I'm completely fine and I want to take you on a drive" Jisung said and pulled his head out of the crook of the older's neck. "It's one at night?"


"Where are we going?" Minho asked whilst gazing out of the car window, he was unable to recognise the road they were on and the dark wasn't helping either.

"Just trust me, baby" Jisung said with a small smile on his lips and held onto Minho's hand which was resting on his lap. The latter turned his face so that he was looking at his boyfriend, something felt off and almost suspicious but he couldn't quite point it out.

"How's everyone at home?" Minho questioned in a quiet voice and Jisung smiled. "Everything is okay, Mom's great, Dad said that he wants to play another round of chess with you and Bbama misses you" The younger explained which earned him a soft giggle from the older boy.

"Tell them I miss them too" Minho spoke and interlocked their hands in his lap and stared down at it, he was grateful towards Jisung and the latter's family, because they never made him feel left out and always made sure that he was included in almost everything, and after meeting them Minho finally felt like he had a family, again.

"We're here" Jisung announced and putted his car in park. Minho looked outside the window but still didn't recognise the place, but it was familiar.

"What is this place?" The older asked but his boyfriend just smiled at him and got out, followed by Minho. "Just follow me" Jisung said and held onto Minho's hand and led him to a trail which was by the side of the road.

After almost walking for three minutes, Minho spoke excitedly, "are we going where I think we are going?!" He asked and looked at his boyfriend with starry eyes. Jisung laughed and nodded, "Maybe or maybe not" he said and walked ahead of the older who waddled behind him.

The walk further to their final destination didn't took much time and they were already there.

"This is even prettier at night" Minho said as he looked around and took in the smell of sand, the sea water was sparkling dimly under the moonlight which created a romantic atmosphere for both the boys.

"Let's go sit by the water" Jisung said whilst pulling Minho by his hand. They both settled down on the sand and watched as small waves hitted the edge of the sandy land.

"Why do you think we're here?" The younger boy asked and turned his head so that he was looking at his boyfriend. Minho chuckled before he spoke, "I think you're going to assassinate me and decompose my body in the sea" he stated making Jisung laugh.

Time passed by slowly and the surroundings grew even quieter, it was peaceful and felt exactly like they imagined it to be, it felt like love.

"Do you love me?" Jisung asked, out of the blue which took Minho by suprise. "Of course I do" he responded and his eyes roamed all over his boyfriend's face but he couldn't read his expression.

"I love you, a lot" the younger admitted and brought his hands to cup Minho's face. "I love you just as much, or maybe even more" the latter spoke with a smile and leant forward to peck his lips.

Jisung felt deeply and struggled to express it directly, so, he had his own ways of showing his love and affection, and Minho knew it and that was one reason of why he wanted to treasure this memory forever.

"You can refuse but I want to ask you something" Jisung said and rested his forehead against Minho's, who stopped breathing, because he didn't know what was coming his way.

"Will you marry me?" Jisung finally letted the question escape his lips with a quick intake of breath and waited without even opening his eyes, he was afraid, afraid of his boyfriend's reaction, he didn't know if it was too early but now that he asked it out loud, all types of negative thoughts started to cloud his mind.

He waited and waited until the silence became overwhelming and opened his eyes, but closed them just as quickly when a pair of lips was pressed against his.

When they parted, Jisung saw that Minho had salty tears running down his cheeks and quickly wiped them with his thumbs, "yes" he sobbed and the younger laughed and brought the boy in a hug, "thank you so much" he said and kissed the older's head.

I was gone for way too long so here's an update as an apology lmao

Don't hurt yourself<3

With all my love

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