Chapter 5

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I stood up and moved diligently without hearing any answer. All I could think about was to save him then let him go.

I hurriedly brought a small bowl of hot water back from the dining room and mixed it with the grounded dried herbs. When it was finely mashed and thick enough to be applied, I handed out the whole ointment to him.

"Come on, put it on."

"...I will repay your kindness later."

The prince didn't forget to say he would repay my kindness, even though he said it with a painful sound.

"You don't need to pay me back. If you need more, I'll put the things you need in the door over there, so use it. There is a heavy blizzard right now, and wild animals may appear, so go as soon as the sun rises tomorrow morning."

I explained quickly as if I had memorized it, pointing to the simple door leading to the dining room. Looking at his blood, I thought he probably needed more water.

'Well, I'll bring some more on the way out.'

He nodded his head.

Picking up the wet towel, I squeezed the water out, gave it to him, then got up. Then I went to the dining room, pulled out another bowl, filled it with water from the pot, and brought two thick blankets I used to use when the firewood ran out with the mind that he would use it then leave as soon as tomorrow morning comes.

I decided to skip dinner. It was because I didn't feel hungry, and I thought there was nothing better than to run into him. However, I felt cold at night, so I got up from my seat after cozying up for a long time in front of the fireplace.

Suddenly, I craving for tea. Although I am still concerned about the second prince, he must have fallen asleep because he lost a lot of blood early. As I went down to the dining room, I immediately took out a small iron kettle and filled it with water. While the water was being heated, a little more firewood was added to the nearly dying fire pit.

When I opened the door to leave some water again for him, he closed his eyes just as he was before. But this time, my heart was pounding differently.

'No way!'

I approached him slowly. Even though I was right in front of him, he didn't move. Squatted down, I placed my finger near his nose.

'If you die here, I'll be in big trouble.'

Fortunately, I could feel his breath faintly on my fingertips. He must have fallen asleep, not died. I dropped my stiffened shoulders in relieve. The moment I put my hand down and was about to get up from my seat, he grabbed my hands. Our eyes met right away when he opened his eyes. I thought those purple eyes were mysterious, but they looked sharper when a fire was reflected on them.


"...I thought you were dead."

His eyes became clear as if he had completely woken up from my calm words.
I wanted him to let my hand go, so I pulled back my hand. He hurriedly let go of my hand.

"I'm sorry to startle you. After applying the ointment, my pain lessened, and I fell asleep. It's also because I felt warm."

I looked at the darkened clothes, dripping with blood and herbal water at his words. It looked like he had randomly applied the mashed herbs.

'He shouldn't have done it like that...'

My hand flinched with anxiety, but I tried to ignore it.

"Is that so? I'm gonna add more water. Use it if you need it. I will go after making tea."

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