Don't Dream It's Over - Chapter 6

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Sunday evening, June 7, 1992,  Milwaukee Suburbs

Don't Dream It's Over

"Jacob, go outside and take a good look around before twilight hits," Lucy instructed. "We don't want Maggie getting into anything, and Lana, dear, after you finish putting the food away in the freezer, see if Grandpa needs help putting the rest of the chairs and linens away in the basement."

"Yes, Grandma," Jake and Lana replied in unison, heading off to their assigned tasks.

Jake scanned the yard, picking up any leftover trash from the afternoon gathering. Satisfied that everything was clear, he called up to the house, "She's good to come out, Grandma!"

A moment later, a frantic Maggie, the pug, came bounding past Jake, eager to explore any remaining treasures from the event.

Jake then made his way up to the old back porch and into the kitchen.

"Thank you, Jake," Lucy said. "I think that's about it."

Lana rejoined them upstairs, followed shortly by their grandfather, Alvin.

"Grandma, do you mind if we turn on the game while we finish the dishes?" Jake asked.

"I agree," Alvin chimed in. "Let's see if Michael Jordan and the Bulls can win another one."

"That's fine as long as the work gets done," Lucy replied.

"It will, Grandma, don't worry," Jake assured her.

The television in the living room was turned on, and the volume increased.

"He's amazing," Jake commented about Jordan.

"That he is," Alvin agreed. "Like nothing I've ever seen, and I've even seen Wilt Chamberlain play live."

Turning to Jake, Alvin asked, "So, how was your season this year?"

"It was alright," Jake replied. "We made the playoffs, but we got crushed by Catalina. Actually, by one of my, uh, friends."

"Which one?" Lucy inquired.

"Matt Click," Jake answered.

"Oh, I remember meeting him," Alvin said. "His dad's your coach for the winter..."

Lucy interrupted, realizing winter ball was a sore subject. "Alvin," she said pointedly.

"I know who he is, Lucy," Alvin replied.

"Yes, I know you do," Lucy said, "but maybe we could talk about something else besides baseball."

"It's okay, Grandma," Jake said. "Well, I didn't play any winter ball this year. But I did play with Matt and his dad as my coach for many years.  Matt and I are still friends for the most part, but we just don't see each other as much anymore."

Lucy, ever curious about gossip, asked, "So Jake, how is Marta doing? What's she have planned for the Summer?"

"Oh, Marta," Jake sighed. "She'll be busy working with her mom at the office of their construction company. As for us, we, um, we aren't really dating anymore, but we are still friends."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Lucy said sympathetically.

Lana echoed her sentiment."When did this happen?"

"Well, we've kind of been growing apart since spring break," Jake explained. "We officially ended things a little over a week ago."

"Ouch," said Lana.

"Yeah," Jake agreed. "I'll tell you more about it later."

"Well, sometimes that's how it goes," Alvin offered philosophically. "Until you meet the one," he added with a smirk at Lucy, his wife of almost 50 years. "Just make sure she's the one, before she clubs you and drags you back to her cave!"

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