Chapter 1

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"I wanna go home," You mutter to yourself, staring outside your classroom window. The first class of the day barely ended and you're already bored out of your mind, wanting to head home and just lay in your bed.

Everyone is busy talking amongst themselves, telling each other stories or jokes, sharing laughter and joy. You, however, you were different.

The weird kid, as they say.

"Why is that guy always staring off into the distance?"

"That's just Y/N, being the weird kid as always. Don't mind him."

You hear a few of your classmates chatter, but you pay no mind.

The "gloom and doom" aura that surrounded you was a huge factor as to why you are labelled as such. It drives away any opportunity for your classmates to get to know you or befriend you.

It didn't bother you, though. The calm and peaceful thought of not having to worry about entertaining someone eases your mind. It's already one less problem to deal with.

"Tch, who needs friends anyway?" You continue looking out the window, watching as the sun gradually peeked out of the morning clouds, giving the world a nice view of a soft glow sunkissed aesthetic. You didn't know how and when it occurred, but every time you catch a glimpse of sunshine, you suddenly feel a sense of ease, temporarily washing away the heavy burden in your heart.

You believed that everything is temporary in life, not even the sun shines 24/7. You didn't want to hold on to anything too tight, fearing that it might leave you eventually. Despite that however, you took your time taking in the beautiful sight before you.

It was calming and relaxing, until you heard your classmates becoming louder by the second, disrupting your peace. You were getting slightly pissed off at the chaotic volume but didn't bother to turn around, you did not want to take your eyes off the beautiful view outside your window.

Just as you got back into admiring the view, you felt a light tap on your shoulder followed by a strange atmosphere of quietness. You avert your gaze from the window to whoever it is that wants your attention.

"Hello there~!" The girl cheerfully greets you, radiating a warm and welcoming aura

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"Hello there~!" The girl cheerfully greets you, radiating a warm and welcoming aura.

You tilt your head to the side. You were perplexed, to say the least, and the quietness of the room wasn't helping at all.

"Do you need anything?" You finally ask, causing the girl to giggle.

"Oh, my bad! I haven't introduced myself," She smiles sweetly and clears her throat before speaking.

"My name is Danielle Marsh! Also known as Mo Danielle, Mo Jihye, or Jihye Marsh! Nice to meet you!" She happily said, extending her hand close to you.

This is all so confusing to you, wondering what her motives are for her to just randomly initiate a conversation with you. You watched as she patiently waited for you to respond, her arm still stretched out waiting to be shaked.

"Jeon (Y/N)," You answer coldly, looking away from her cheerful gaze.

"Not a hand-shaker, I see. That's okay!" She retracts her hand in understanding as you hummed, not really interested in intereacting.

She then took a nearby chair and sat in front of you, her smile not leaving her face. You sighed heavily, wondering what exactly she wanted, so you asked her again.

"You haven't answered my question yet," You asked, not bothering to look her in the eyes.

"What question?" She tilted her head in confusion, making you scratch your head.

"Do you need anything from me?" You repeated your previous question.

"Oh, no, not really!" She cheerfully answered, giving you an even brighter smile. She then places her hands on your desk and says,

"I want to be your friend!"

You stared at her blankly, knowing damn well this is the last thing you wanted to deal with, Making friends.

"Yeah, no thanks, I don't want to," You rolled her eyes at her and continued to look out the window. "Making friends is pointless. So if that's the only thing you're here for, you're free to leave"

You felt her body shift and leave in front of you. You thought that the interaction was over, until...

"Well, I'm not asking," She suddenly put herself in between you and the window and inched her face closer to yours.

"I'm saying," She whispers as you stay in place, not knowing what to do other than backing your head away from her.

"I want to be your friend."


My Sunshine (Danielle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now