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“How are you, Char?” Marima leaned over to hug her best friend along with Heidi and Tina. They had decided to come over to her house instead of going out as they were still worried about her health.

Charlotte had taken another nap per her personal nurse's order, feeling completely refreshed before she was discharged home.

“I'm completely good now guys, I've taken two naps and ate the medicines.” Char let them in the dining room where they put all the take outs.

“What did you have for lunch?”

Char bit her lips, feeling a little nervous then settled with, “I had fish porridge, it was really nourishing.”

They plated the food and sat around the table to catch up with each other's lives. Marima and her husband were doing great while Tina and Heidi were also doing well with their partners. Conversation drifted from work to their personal lives as Charlotte listened to her friends talk about their partners happily.

Charlotte fidgeted on her seat, not knowing how to start her topic while everyone was gushing about their love lives.

“How about you, Char? Has anyone caught your eyes yet?” Marima asked, all of them knew about MGI dinner but did not pry as they knew both women had been dealing with the media all week. Plus, talking about Engfa with Charlotte was an extremely sore and sensitive topic, so they no longer mentioned the Manager's name around her.

Char swallowed her food, feeling everyone's eyes on her. She played around with her food before she nodded cautiously.

“Wait, really?”


“When was this?!”

Immediately she was bombarded with questions that made her head spin, she took a sip of water and looked at her friends with a faint blush.

“Almost two months. We're taking things slow.”

“Who are they? A woman or a man?” Tina asked.

“Umm, a woman.” Charlotte smiled faintly and watched as her friends made eye contact with each other.

“I thought you're not interested with any other women other than you know who.” Marima raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, um,” Charlotte blushed and scratched her ear nervously.

“Speak, Charlotte Austin!” Heidi urged. “Which beautiful woman caught your eye other than P’Fa?”

“Well, P’Fa was the one who made me the fish porridge.” Charlotte smiled awkwardly. “Surprise?” She did a little hand shake.

The table fell into an eerie silence, still processing what the hell she was talking about fish porridge before it exploded into a chaotic explosion of voices overlapping each other. Charlotte covered her ears as she watched her friends scream and yell at her.

“Calm down, calm down, we're gonna get noise complaints!” Charlotte raised her voice amongst the chaos.

“I'm gonna bring out the wine.” Tina said and headed to the fridge as if it was her house.

Charlotte laughed, “I've just recovered from my fever na.”

“It's not for you!” Charlotte laughed harder as Tina yelled from the kitchen, followed by sounds of glasses.

Tina poured Heidi and Marina a healthy glass of wine before they sat looking at Charlotte with big, attentive eyes.

“You guys are scarier than the reporters, stop looking at me like that!” Charlotte laughed.

One Last ChanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon