Domestic Bliss Part 2

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"Char! Liam is crying!" Engfa called out in panic as the little boy woke up and saw that he was in an unfamiliar place with a stranger. Very unfortunately, Charlotte was taking a shower at the moment and asked Engfa to keep an eye on the boy.

She fidgeted nervously around this boy but never got close as if he was contagious. Her hands swung uselessly in the air before she decided to just pick him up before his wailing made him fall off the sofa.

Wrong move.

"Mommy, mommy, I want mommy!" Liam cried out big fat tears as he tried to climb out from this strange lady's arms.

"Uwahh, stop moving! Liamm! Shhh ...shhh!" Engfa panicked as he was moving alot, quickly she deposited the boy onto the sofa before he quickly took off and ran away.

"Hey, hey! Don't run, where are you going?" Engfa exclaimed as she quickly chased after the boy who was surprisingly fast with his tiny body, the dogs became excited and chased after him. Surprised, Liam screamed in fear and cried some more.

"Char!!!" Completely helpless and not sure whether to catch the dogs or Liam, Engfa yelled again, "Char! Help!!"

So Charlotte rushed out in her towel wrapped around her body to find the whole house in chaos.

A baby was crying, an adult was yelling, and two dogs were barking as they all ran around the house.

"What in the world?" Charlotte gasped before she picked up Liam with practiced hands, the two dogs jumped and barked excitedly while Engfa panted nearby.

"Lottie! Huhuhuhu Lottie!!" Liam cried as he clinged onto Charlotte for dear life, his entire cheeks puffy and tear stained. Charlotte bounced him up and down while rubbing his back as she hushed him tenderly.

Charlotte shot Engfa a stern look and quickly walked upstairs to calm the boy down. Meanwhile, Engfa stood in the middle of the living room with frazzled hair, a pair of puppy eyes and a pout forming on her face. Gyo stood on his hind legs and barked while Tofu was still sniffing at the bottom of the stairs.

Feeling indignant and wronged, Engfa picked up Gyo and huffed. "At least you love me right, my little son?"

Gyo barked and licked her face.

Running a hair through her hair, Engfa thought of what to do. She looked around the house and saw Gyo's carrier and remembered she still had his playpen from some time ago. Feeling purposeful, she looked for the pen and set it up in the corner of the living room. Once it was sturdy and ready, she placed the dogs inside it along with their beds and basic necessities.

"Stay here a while guys, we have a newcomer today and he's a little scared of you. Well, us, to be exact. Be good, I'm going to Google how to make a milk bottle and atone for my sins." Engfa spoke to the dogs before heading to the kitchen.

After some intense googling and a YouTube tutorial, she set on to make a milk bottle meticulously. She even dropped some on her wrist to see if it's too hot as per the YouTube video. Then, she went upstairs quietly with the milk bottle in her hands.

She found her girlfriend and her godson in their bed. Little Liam had Jonny the monkey plushie in his arms as he sat facing Charlotte on her lap. Her girlfriend was already in her loose t-shirt and a pair of shorts as she talked softly to him and stroked his hair.

Engfa knocked softly on the door and stood in hesitation, "May I come in? I came bearing a gift." She raised the milk bottle to show.

Charlotte's eyes were softened as she talked to her godson and they turned to look at her with a smile. Meanwhile, Liam and Engfa were still very apprehensive about each other. Charlotte put up a hand to Engfa, meaning for her to wait a second.

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