You're losing me

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It was one of the most difficult things to admit, even to yourself.

What you didn't want to admit was the fact that the relationship between you and Taylor was slowly falling apart before your eyes.

It was something you couldn't handle. It took you a while to notice it, but when you do notice it at last, it's when Taylor had suddenly become less understanding over the fact that accidents do indeed happen. For example, you were both currently in a yelling match with each other after you had accidentally broken her glass case she claimed to be a family heirloom while dusting around it. There was countless times you had asked her to find a different and safer place for it so that this problem could have been avoided. But she never did and that's how things lead to where they are now, in a yelling match saying things neither of you mean.

You didn't reach the breaking point until what Taylor says next.

"Taylor, it was an accident! I swear up and down that it truly was an accident!"

You were growing more desperate for Taylor to listen to you, to believe you and be understanding in the way she used to be.

But she was refusing and it was frustrating.

"Taylor, let me finish this. Why don't you-"

"No! I don't want you touching anything else or you'll ruin that, too! If you break everything you touch (Y/n), then I don't see a future with you ." 

Of course, Taylor immediately regretted saying those words to you and although she'd do anything to take them all back, it was too late. The second Taylor realized just how much she had hurt you, she tried to reach out to you with reassurance, reaching her hand towards you, speaking your name ever so softly.


You swat her hand away before taking off to the guest bathroom.

"Don't touch me! Don't talk to me!"

Taylor sighs as she hears the bedroom door slam shut, followed by the sound of you locking it.

Even though Taylor knew this was her fault, even though she knew she didn't mean those words at all, she knew something of value and that was of the fact she was losing you. Taylor needed to make things right before she really does lose you.  She doesn't know where to begin, but with the help of some other celebrity friends of hers, she does know now.

It was a fresh start.

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