Another visit (sk8rclown)

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Infected traced his fingers over the crinkles of his blanket, bored yet again, he could just flip his DS opened but he'd been hesitant to even take a glance of it.

It reminded him too much of lampert..

Plus, with the recent news that his father was actually missing for what seems like a few weeks. Infected didn't feel like even facing Dr.Retro whenever she came in to give him the medicine for the day. Even his dreams were empty and hallow. Depressing at best. Infecteds mental health was at shatters now.

All under he heard knocks and the door click slightly, infected turned around to see a familiar face. A face he'd so loved yet couldn't stand to look at with the circumstances laid out.


They entered the room shyly after a short awkward while of a brief stare down. Pilby simply stood there for another portion of time, just, awkwardly gazing at infecteds tensed and embarrassed posture. Before speaking up.

"'s been a while...huh.."

"..y34h" infected said, fiddling with his fingers as pilby walked in closer.

" feeling any better?" Pilby asked, grabbing nearby chair and sitting on it, taking some time not to stumble off thanks to their short height

"Uhh...I..d0nt kn0w r34lly.." infected sighed, deciding not to lie to pilby for once "1 jUzt d0nt kn0w wh4t 2 d0 4nym0r3..3v3ryth1ng f33lz...3mpty.."

"D'ohh don't say that it'll-"

"'It'11 G3T b3tt3r!' Y34h y34h wh4t3v3r..3v3ry0n3 s4ys th4t bUt 1T d0z3nt m34nz 4nyth1ng -._-." infected scoffed before turning around to see pilby slowly get nervous "..1 d1dnt m34-"

"Gosh gumdrops infected! Why can't you just accept that good things will come along?" Pilby sighed, seemingly irritated at this point "you're such a grouch!"

"N0 1'm n0-" infected stopped before taking a deep inhale and exhaling, lowering his head "...0n s3cnd th0ught Ur r1ght.."

"See? C'mon now where is the cool..uh..skater guy that I love?" Pilby said, leaning in to gently cup infecteds face, tilting it to match their own "the adorable and lovable guy who liked to ramble? Where is he c'mon?"

Infected couldn't help but crack a  chuckle at that and blush slightly, his eyes still looking away.

"You know I still love you right?" Pilby commented as they leaned in to kiss infected on the forehead

"Y34h...bUt.." infected was tense again, acting avoidant of pilbys touch "y0u d0 kn0w th4t...1m a m0nst3r r1ght...1 hUrt y0u.." infected frowned at that thought again, no matter how healed pilby was, no matter how much time passed, infected just couldn't let go of that guilt. That he hurt pilby. That and the foggy dream of them dead on the ground...

Pilby sighed and cupped infecteds face with a little more force, making infected turn to them again "D'ohh you know you aren't a monster right?? I mean yeah sure you're...scary and you eat people-" pilby gulped "but that isn't your fault!! You probably can't control it! But still! Doesn't mean I won't love you any less."

Infected was a little pleasantly surprised, he expected pilby to just stay quiet or stumble over their words, they aren't usually the type to actively comfort people and it shows. So them saying those words to infected gave more of an effect. He smiled and suddenly pulled pilby into a hug, and despite feeling a little scared, pilby decided to cling onto infected

"Th4nk y0u.." he whispered as pilby cracked a small smile "your welcome.." the two looked at each other before pulling in for a passionate kiss, pilby closing their eyes with just a single tear dropping.

Then the door opened

"(Oh! Am I Uhh interrupting something here?)"

Pilby yelped and pushed infecteds away, garnering an equally surprised reaction as well as infected looked over to see Dr.Retro standing there blinking at the rather gay scene in front of her.

"N-n0! Uhm....wh4t 4r3 y0u 3v3n d0ing h3r3!? I th0Ught yu0 g4v3 m3 m3h m3dic1n3 alr34di....-"

"(I did! I just wanted to check on you for a quick minute- I'll leave you too be..BUT DONT MAKE NOISE!)" she pointed before shutting the door

"Pfft...sh3 4LW4YZ ch3cks Up 0n m3.."

"Maybe she's worried?"

"Y34h th4t t00. Sh3 4cts l1k3 a m0m.."

"D'Ohh I wish I had MY mom.."

"3y cm0n n0t wh4t h4pp3n3d t0 th3 'br1ght3n Up 3m0!' 4tt1tUd3?" Infected chuckle Doug as he received a small snort from pilby, before leaning in and kissing him tenderly on the cheek, making pilby blush

"Golly jee..-"

"1 l0v3 yu0 :]" infected muttered

"I love you too.."


Pilby felt their eyes flutter open as they slowly awoke, they felt their face rub against something fluffy.

They were still trying to gather up the memories from yesterday from what they could gather, him and infected made out for a bit before talking and infected begging Dr.Retro for pilby to stay asleep with him, in which he reluctantly agreed.

They rubbed their eyes slightly and slowly got up, seeing as that they were being partially buried by bushes of yellow and black fluff, they suddenly stopped when they heard a small whine and looked down.

By some miracle, or perhaps, curse of sorts, infected had transformed somehow and was now clinging onto pilby, whining softly

Pilby felt a huge rush of panic come through him until he saw infected nuzzle softly into their lap, wriggling his tail, causing confusion and a little euphoria to crash through.


Pilby softly went over infecteds head, rubbing behind his ears, which made infected give out a noise of glee and wag his tail a little harder, cracking a small smile.

"..okkkk I gotta admit, you really are a cutie pie." They chuckled as infected whined again, and while pilby was still a little afraid in the inside, they could confidentially say that they were having a small fun time.

Soon they decided to lay down, cuddling with their newly fluffy boyfriend, unaware of the jealous eyes staring daggers into them through the light crack of the door.

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