Taking it mental

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Unpleasant stared blankly at the cover of the romance marriage book through puffy red eyes as his as he tiredly shoved the spoonful of cold ice cream into his mouth, before grumbling and angrily throwing the poor book away "everyone's gettin' married except for ME" he sighed, letting his head hit the soft pillow as he struggled to scoop out another chocolate chip ice cream to stuff into his mouth .

His room was a mess, it was no doubt, even infected could tell as he tried to shove himself into his dad's room, slightly worried and curious as to where he went "d4D?"


Infected quickly walked over towards him "sH3Ezh- w4T h4Pp3n€d??"

"..well, I tried to propose to Jeremy"

Infected almost let a horrified gasp slip from his mouth

"But she rejected.." he mumbled sheepishly "she said we were going too fast...UGH HOW CAN I BE SUCH AN IDIOT??" He almost got emotional again as he rolled over the bed and buried his face into the pillow, with infected almost immediately commenting "tH4nK g0D!- I- I M€4N....0h m3H G0D!! D4tz uH.....h0Rr1bL#?" Unpleasant just broke out a sob "UhHh..U w@Nt m0Ar 1c3CrEm?"

"...no..." he sighed "I probably shouldn't be loathing around either...I'm calling mark...go do your- college homework I don't know." Infected rolled his eyes but respected his fathers indirect wish to be left alone as he hopped over the mass of garbage and whatnot and slowly shut the door behind unpleasant as it grabbed his phone and scrolled through the contacts.

Of course Jeremy being the pinned one caused unpleasant to just hiss in a little bit of pain, but he just tried to suck it up as he pressed down at mark's number, directly underneath Jeremy's contact.




"Oh- uh- howdy gradie! 'Suprised yer called me-"

"It's nothing- wait what's that noise in the background-?"

"Oh yea' we're havin' a PARTYYYY!! It's tha' day off so me and the fellas' decided ta' throw a gran' wood party! Wanna come?"

"..actually I'm-"

"Wait a min'ute- OI NOW DONT GO WILDIN' AROUN' WITH THAT CHOC'LATE FOUNTAIN WE PAID BUCKS FO' THAT!! m' had some idiot was tryna' ruin the choc'late!! Can yer believ that!?"

"Yeah that's so..." he took a deep breath in before exhaling "horrendous."

"Anyways so what did ya' want ta' say?"

"Uhhhh nothing I just wanted to uhm....check on you.."

"Well I'm a darn tootin' maniac then!! This partys awesome, ya should come sometime if ya got nuffin' to do."

"....will do...." He muttered as mark laughed and said his hurried goodbyes, closing the line on unpleasant first as he basically fell over at the bed again, unanchored, just not wanting to move....even when his phone buzzed with Jeremy calling him...



he practically flew through the cieling as he yelped and panickingly tried to answer the phone call, only to accidentally hit the video call option and have Jeremy's face confront his own, disdained and messy face.



"Well- you're looking good."

"Save it."

"You're really taking it hard aren't you?" Jeremy sighed

"No it's not that Jeremy. It's just that...UGH I was such an idiot..."

"I don't blame you..I mean I should've known you would be impulsive, you kinda are, but still I appreciate the gesture-"

"I'm... impulsive..?"

Jeremy was surprised with the slight crack in unpleasant's voice as he mentioned it, he blinked "oh nononono I meant like uh...I knew you were going to probably take it a little seriously because you always do and-"

"I'm not..." he gulped as he shrank, curling itself up, his mom's voice rang at the back of his head like a church bell, reminding him of his uselessness and other things, for once his mother had used his impulsiveness against him, it had all went downhill from here.


"It's- nothing. Forget about it." He sighed slightly lowering the phone as Jeremy stumbled trying to apologize. "I said it's fine."


"Wait-" unpleasnat quickly thought of an approach to evacuate the situation "I think I hear infected calling me uhh- I'll- I'll hit ya up later alright?"

"I..don't hear him calling you?"

"Uhh strange must be audio problems but I'll get back to ya!" He quickly stammered as he hit the exit button, giving out one last "bye!" As he stared at the 'call ended' screen and out his phone aside. Feeling immediate guilt and confusion over his rather sudden emotional reaction and flashbacks. It sucked being mental like this.

He tried to curl himself on the bed, but he was tired of being stuck onto the sheets like this, so he slowly pulled himself together, wiping away the last traces of ice cream and deciding to change his shirt into a random one as he threw his jacket on again and exited his room, walking towards the front door.

"?? D4d?"

"I'm gonna go run some errands...it'll at least distract me." He turned to infected "don't do anything stupid and...don't open the door for anyone else alright?" He reminded his son with a tired voice as he turned the doorknob and exited, with infected just giving a concerned, confused, worried yet understanding stare.


It'd been just an hour or so since he'd ended up in this hotbox of a sourthern party, and he could already feel how claustrophobic it was. Mannequins and what its everywhere, people chanting laughing and fighting, things and food epbeing thrown around like ragdolls, like a chair almost hit unpleasant, who was starting to REALLY regret ever entering the party.

"Jesus Christ.."

"HEYA GRADIE!" A familiar voice greeetd him as he felt a light, friendly slap at his back, turning his head to a chuckling mannequin he knew as mark "I knew ya'd come around! Say, it thata new shirt?"

"Uhh I don't know you tell me" he heard the mannequin laugh louder, taking everything as a joke as he wiped away his non-existent tears "HAHA! Oh gradie I knew yer were alwaysa comedian'!" He soon looked around before leaning into unpleasant, whispering "say yer wanna know wha'll make this party betta'?"

".. what?"

Mark pulled out a bottle of alcohol out of seemingly no where "gettin' drunk! Whadaya say?"

Unpleasant saw mark hand him the heavy bottle and he took it with a hand. Staring at his slightly distorted reaction as mark just grabbed another half drank one from the floor and chugged it, and before unpleasant could make up his mind he felt his phone buzz in his pockets and he brought it out to see Jeremy calling him again.


He glanced between his bottle and the phone call and decided to just ignore Jeremy by hitting the end button, before shoving his phone in his pants and basically chugging the alcohol as well through tears and guilt, feeling it being washed away as the sweet darkness of his consciousness seemingly slipping hit..

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