Camp hangout

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Its been a while since poob last did a get-together party or hangout without any nasty adultery stuff, no weed, no alcohol, no smutty 2010's songs, just them, wallter, mark, spli, and their beloved pest.

bive couldn't come as she was too 'busy' constructing or planning something, and the others were either disinterested or busy in their own valid way, but poob was at least grateful to gather their small group of friends to the forest to camp out for a while, y'know a breath of fresh air from the usual indoors.

after a while of waiting and convincing spud to stay, they finally managed to pick a place far enough from the children but close enough to the regretevator in order to have a cozy night, poob set up the tents "YAYYYY!!! thank goodness spud let uz stay here for da night! dunt u think pest?"

pest just grumpily muttered something along the lines of "yeah yeah whatever" as the rest unpacked their things, mark barely packed anything but some tools needed to probably repair his limbs if anything happened, split brought her own infamous "book of split-tastic jokes" and some snack to go along, and wallter with cans upon cans of gray stuff plus a notebook to take in the structural integrity of nature, perhaps he can incorporate it with his architecture.

pest didnt really grab anything either, he said it was a surprise for later 

"ooh? surprize? leik for meh?" poob smiled ear to ear "awww pest u shoulnt have!!

"no 愚かな (imbecile)" pest muttered, pulling out a full blown gun "its a GUN."

"!?!?!?!?!? THE FUCK WHY DID YOU GRAB A GUN FOR!?" poob exclaimed loudly, catching the others as they all got suddenly irked by the presence of such a dangerous weapon.

"I build it myself in case anything happened." he snorted "you wouldn't want anyone to get mauled now ri-" he couldn't even utter the rest of his sentence as poob forcefully ripped the gun away and glared at him, making him jolt slightly. "NO. GUNS. diz iz a get togetha!! not HUNTING SEAZON!!!1!!111!" they pointed at him and squinted their eyes before turning away and taking the gun away like a school teacher ripping the phone off of their students, pest felt red spread to his cheeks as split giggled slightly and mark shook his head, only wallter taking this situation a little too seriously with a concerned face.


it's been at least 5 hours, and even though pest was bummed about his newly constructed gun being confiscated by poob, them giving pest a big fat smooch at the lips as part of a bet for winning uno actually made him sort of fuzzy inside, even if he didn't want to show it.

next it was a game of shots, and even though this wasn't the usual parties poob hosted, they'd thought it'd be fun to just play this sly little game for a while, with each person prepping up to either get wasted to take after a wasted one.

"oki! first one!" poob scratched their chin "who kissed...a man!"

everyone took a sip except split.


"well who would've expected? poob over here quite literally gave pest a smooch" wallter giggled, holding his can of gray stuff (he'd requested it instead of normal alcohol)

"okok hmm....who...almost lost their arm!! or maybe limb?" split said, seeing mark and poob take a shot.

"well when yer constuctin' like I am ova' there it'd be no surprise eh?" he chuckled, while poob decided not to talk about it.

"ok my turn! hmmm... who almost got' burned?" mark inquired as he saw poob take a shot again, followed by pest, split and wallter, and finally mark himself.

"wow- guess we got more trauma let we let out huh?" Walter chuckled as split followed rather nervously "yeahhh- haha-"

this would continue, the questions slowly getting more deranged and rather personal until there was a tie on wallter and poob to see who would throw up first, and wallter insisted on questioning this round despite him probably not being sober enough to understand his own question, making mark a little on edge for some reason.

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