The Birth

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Lucy's POV:

Word count: 541 words.

4 month time skip!

I am on maternity leave. I was kinda forced to tell Grey about how Bradford was the father so he can go on paternity leave with me, he agreed to keep it low and say Bradford went to visit Genny in California.

I am due in about 3 days and I stayed at Tim's house for 2 weeks so he can take care of me since I feel like I'm about to explode.

2 days later:

It is now 4am in the morning when I feel my water break while in bed I get up and shake Tim who is lying next to me. He instantly jumps up. "what happened!" he says worried. "my water broke". He is now panicking "ok you get to the car I'll grab the bags" He says running around.

I slowly get myself together, and he starts to speed to the hospital. He was going over the speed limit and he got pulled over. He didn't care, he pulled over and said I was giving birth and he flashed his badge and we got let off.

At the hospital:

I instantly got rushed into a room and Tim stood next to me when I gave birth and after 5 long hours I saw her 'Liana Rose Chen'. We got transferred to a different room and Tim sat next to me while I held the baby. I texted Angela I gave birth and told Tim to wait outside till Angela and others come in and then he followed.

We also got the nurses and doctors to keep him a secret since we really didn't want anyone to know about us.

Around 8 minutes after I texted I saw Angela, Nyla, John, and Jackson walk in.

L-Hey - I said holding my little baby girl

A-OMG - its a girl?

L-Yup, Liana Rose Chen

N-She's so cute!


N-She's adorable!

Right then Tim walks in.

T-Hey, Wow, it's a party!

A-Why are you here aren't you in California?

T-I came back yesterday, but wanted an extra day to rest Gennys kids are TIRING!

A-How did you even get here Lucy?

L-I got an uber - that's the first thing that came to mind!!!

A-They let a woman giving birth in their car?!

L-Surprisingly yes, I had to pay A LOT.

N-Wheres the baby daddy?

L-uhm, not here, he is busy.

They all supported me and then soon they left. Tim was still on leave to take care of me, people might think that is suspicious so Grey said he forced Tim to do it because he needs to learn to grow a heart and I don't have anyone else. (HAHA the power of the writer, you can force characters to do whatever)


"Babe, Im hungryyy" I complained. "well what do you wanna eat?" He asks. I take a minute to think and respond with "PANCAKES!!". "for dinner?!" he raised his eyebrows, I looked him in the eye and gave him a death stare "Is that a problem?". "Ofc not!"

I got my pancakes which were delicious and I ate them up, and went to sleep with my new little baby and the best boyfriend in the world!

After a few months we found a babysitter for Liana and we went back to work, I soon graduated with flying colors OFC! I couldn't be more happy. 

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